A great ride was had by John and myself yesterday, from Mossley on a nice loop and around 15 miles. Nothing adventurous due to the volume of rain making pure off roading iffy to say the least. But it was a great ride in good company, and one that blew the cobwebs away. Back home cold and wet, and thank you for washing machines.
Finished Cycle: 11 Aug 2014 17:26:26
Stopped Time: 42:19
Route: New Route
Ride Link: http://cyclemeter.com/b88ee4dd4e9a0211/Cycle-20140810-0913
Import Link: http://share.abvio.com/b88ee4dd4e9a0211/Cyclemeter-Cycle-20140810-0913.kml
Ride Time: 1:35:08
Ascent: 1146 feet
Distance: 15.06 miles
Average: 9.50 mph
Fastest Speed: 23.14 mph
Descent: 1147 feet
Calories: 639
GPX Link: http://share.abvio.com/b88ee4dd4e9a0211/Cyclemeter-Cycle-20140810-0913.gpx