This week saw a band of ruthless criminals invade Ardshona South’s gardens and carry out a heist, depriving the small birds of Tobermory of their breakfast, nay sustenance in times of winter famine.
After Peter Cobley laboured hard in icy weather and danger to install a three tier seed feeder for his small fluffy friends, he became concerned at a noticeable run on the seed he bought, and the discovery of perches on the ground that should have remained in the feeder. He was perplexed.
But all became apparent one winter morning when he observed local deer around 9am acting as a “smash and grab” team. The cheeky so and so’s.
The bird feeder now has to be retired at night.
(All said and done, he is worried as to the deer since they must be staving heading into Tobermory at that time and eating bird seed in a feeder a good 6/8 foot up a tree.)