Art and Music manifest True Nature
Scott Rostron, Scott Rossi, Scott La Ross lies as to facts, what he does, or does not do. Always answering back, always right, making allegations as to others that are not true, gossips; yet fails to take ownership of actions he has taken on his side, and quite happily runs to the powers that be, in this case ANEW with limited facts.
He willingly throws others “under a bus” for his own failures, with it never being his fault.
This offends me as being at odds to the kindness, help, honesty of ANEW, its founders and staff.
For example: smoking in the Vernon House facility when strictly forbidden, and having the brass neck to sit there and deny, when we all knew otherwise.
For example: smoking in his room in the shared HMO house ANEW kindly provides and denying this has happened.
For example: when creating a mess in a kitchen in shared accommodation made no attempt to clean it properly, and when pulled up on it went squawking to David Ryan, no longer with ANEW, since David was new to the organisation and not aware as to Scott’s foibles and behaviour.
For example: posting on a WhatsApp group for his house of how his house mates are messy, when in fact it is his mess and a bare faced lie.
For example: taking food without permission (being diplomatic here) and then denying such.
Minor issues I hear you say, but something underlies all of this in the mantra of an time honoured AA phrase, “It is our lies that make us sick”. And it is the small things we overlook in recovery that set the scene for relapse or living clean but with old behaviours.
This is a person who may be “clean” but is not clean in how he deals with others.
This behaviour continues with Scott Rostron and he hurts many people, even after a history of doing this.
I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I cant believe you - Friedrich Nietzsche.
With Scott people should be warned to not take at face value a word he says (presently.)
Scott constantly mocks AA referring to it as plastic recovery versus NA. An indication of both his lack of understanding of addiction, and of his sublime arrogance as to others.
Anyone in recovery is advised to steer clear; he will only drag you down. Such language hurts people, causes doubt as to their recovery.
Working in the trade that I work in (and see found us) I have a wealth of experience in hiring and managing people, building teams of good people.
I personally would not hire this person, who has no empathy whatsoever toward others, and has a know it all attitude at every breathing moment. It is impossible to reason with Scott, he always has an answer, an excuse that is right.
He presently studies counselling at Level 3 and this is to be admired, and something I did. It achieve; but I would firmly disagree that he is fit for counselling roles or for helping people. He has no sense of empathy and is not a team player.
People who know me, know that I try to seek the best in people, try to give people a chance, try to forgive and certainly try not to hold grudges. I’m not always perfect at this. I let a lot go by before saying anything. It is my nature. But now in some situations I will speak out to save others going through the hell of dealing with a poorly behaved person.
With Scott Rostron, “Scott Rossi”, “Scott La Ross” I can safely say I am glad not to be living with him, which I had to, and something I find difficult to understand ANEW for. But then I should not do so, as ANEW has the humanity to give all a chance even if let down.
The poor behaviour he indulges in at the expense of others, including me, is tolerated. And I do not know the undercurrent beneath. And there may be good reason for this acceptance, and may I make clear I am cheerleader for ANEW; a brilliant organisation, but one Scott Rostron I feel takes the piss out of. And the same applies to CGL in Tameside; a wonderful organisation.
There has always been a level of immaturity to Scott, where upon he finds fun in other’s misfortune or plain laughs at them, to quickly fire in with “I’m only joking”. The point is he does not joke. It is nasty, hurts people, and can be a knife blow to some.
Afterthought: Is this character assassination?
I wish it was, as then this writing could be easily justified, explained away. It is my opinion, not others, and to me it is the plain truth. But I could be dreadfully wrong.
People do change, change their behaviours, open their minds, empathise. Maybe I should have hope for Scott yet. I hope so, because when he is good he is good.