Millie's Trust

Millie’s Trust. From tragedy to hope.

Hope for life is what Millie’s Trust can give us all. It was a Trust set up out of a nursery tragedy.

Millie's Trust was created by the parents of Millie Thompson who tragically passed away in a choking incident in October 2012.

"As parents of a child ourselves we believe that everyone should have access to First Aid Training no matter what their situation in life is. We aim to make First Aid training readily available for minimal costs and in as many places as possible."
Joanne and Dan Thompson

It is this statement that sums up Millie’s Trust that came into first contact with in May of this year. Dan and Joanne, and I have been lucky to have met and been taught by them both, set up the Trust after the tragic death of their daughter due to a choking incident and sadly a lack of first aid knowledge.

The courses that the Trust provide are excellent, in terms of topic and content, application, and delivery by the team who speak with a passion and knowledge of saving lives.

We are very passionate about teaching our First Aid courses as we want to make sure that if anyone who has been trained on one of our courses is ever in a situation where they need to administer any type of First Aid, that they have confidence to be able to deal with the patient - no matter what the situation" Joanne May 2014

And this is hope. There is hope for life, any life, but knowledge is power, and it is important that more people acquire this knowledge. We are all guilty of relying to much on 999 and the emergency services. But then why would we do otherwise, this is how we are trained. But in that time when the professionals are on their way, we own that time and with courage can do something, and that something can be to save a life by keeping someone alive. Do something special when you read this, and sign up for one of the first aid courses.

3 First Aid Courses in a Row

I recently had the opportunity to attend and pass what I now realise are important first aid courses created by the wonderful Millie’s Trust. Now I don’t propose to talk about Millie’s Trust here and see my separate post. I more wanted to talk as to the importance of first aid courses.

One of the handy course booklets.

The last time I did a first aid course was when I was in my teens as a Venture Scout at a church in Wilmslow?!?!? Bearing in mind I am 53 years old in September that was, well, a while back. And back then cassettes were still in use, as were cassette Walkmans. For younger people, use Wikipedia for a definition.

The interesting thing is that I did remember a lot, well the basics from the first aid course that stuck with me over the years, though a lot was forgotten; though with the power of the Web you are now able to look up first aid or specifics such as bandaging.

Point is, I cannot emphasise how interesting I found the first aid courses, what I learnt, of how (God forbid) useful they will be for me. It is June now and over this month and May I completed three courses, acquiring the relevant qualifications.

First was the Mental Health First Aid course and an absolute must for the volunteering work I do at ANEW, CGL, and OCD Action.

Second was the Paediatric First Aid course, and whilst I do not have kids, I found this so important as a lot of principles apply across all age groups and meant that when completing my last course was able to both cement and build upon first aid knowledge.

Third and last was Emergency First Aid. Very useful indeed for life in general including work.

For me all of this is so important with my being an outdoor type who can easily come to mischief or see others doing the same when fell running, cycling, or outdoor swimming. And qualifications are valid for 3 years, but ultimately your learning goes beyond that. It is so, so important to have this knowledge as it does save lives and can also protect yourself when involved in extreme sports. Do, do look up why Millie’s Trust came about, what it does, and why you should look at its courses.

Here are a couple of videos from the Emergency First Aid course delivered by one of the founders of Millie’s Trust, Dan Thompson.


For younger readers, this is a cassette and this is a Walkman.