How would you rate the support you received? Moonpig.

How would I rate the support I received? Poor to be honest. It takes a lot for me to rant these days , especially public. But being letting down by a British company, that did not seem to care, was galling when trying to support a home grown firm versus Amazon.

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I’ve used Moonpig before, and I hasten to add successfully and with pleasure. But or some reason always ad hoc. This time was different, and all the annoying as I was so desperate, like a lot of people to cut down my usage of Amazon, since lockdown. And they are advertising heavily which caught my attention.

Very simply, Mother was off to Bath for the weekend just gone. The first time she has ventured out since lockdown. She is asthmatic and at risk and in her 70s - her situation and no one else’s. As you can imagine, nervous and under close medical watch.

So to help cheer her up and assuage worry I sent a card with photos of our Terrier Ted, something Moonpig excels at in terms of quality. With chocolates. All ordered last Wednesday with accepted delivery for Thursday 10th August. I then learn via a Post Office e-mail that all is not to be delivered until Friday after she has left. Get onto Moonpig customer services, who needed chasing to get a woeful reply.

  1. It was not mentioned at order level that there might be delays. It is buried on the help pages. Not acceptable and if I had known would have organised delivery for when she got back.

  2. Customer services were ineffectual. Sorry “Jack” but it is a fact.

  3. Can I point out I am not out for a) my £20, b) roses strewn before me. Just honesty as to delivery times and better customer service from a UK brand I was aiming to shift to. I’d examined the number of Amazon gift cards I was sending and it was horrendous from a personal and business point of view.

  4. I did try and change the Post Office delivery date online but failed, and doing this (to defend the Post Office) is not guaranteed.

I’ve uploaded the e-mail conversation with customer services - see here. - as a brand advocate, disapointed.


Maybe I am being a “customer arse” by publicising this. Maybe I am not accepting life’s rich tapestry including its up and downs. In the event of a potential forthcoming discussion, Mum got the card and chocolates on her return and was delighted, so well done Moonpig, and it is good; but that’s not the point.

Any feedback is welcome.

Minty and camper_versions

As an aside I’d like to mention, well promote camper_versions who kindly supplied and kitted out our VW T6 campervan. “Minty Tours” has seen many adventures.

Brora and “Minty”

Based in historic Darwen, their website is well worth visiting to see the latest campervans for sale, or to give you an idea for getting your own conversion. For us they sourced a long wheel base VW Transporter 6 registered December 2017. We wanted a LWB to give us more room to the rear for storage if we were on a big tour and wanted swimming, running, and cycling gear etc. onboard. We chose a short wheel base fit to give us the required storage to the rear (2 feet horizontal and 5 feet vertical) whilst including cooker, fridge, M1 bed (rock and roll bed), higher bed, leisure battery, and heater.

Crucial to to fit out by camperversion was the advice they gave to us for fell running and other outdoor shenanigans we normally get up to, and our desire to wild camp in Scotland when up there. They recommended a leisure battery and Eberspacher heater. Both have turned out to be vital. We can camp without electrical hook up using the battery, and thus wild camp. The heater is a hidden gem and runs off the diesel tank providing hot and cold air conditioning, vital when getting in from a cold run, such as our running in the Howgills on Saturday just gone when we returned wet and cold.

A friendly and ever so helpful and safety conscious team at camper_versions did a great conversion, all safety compliant, e.g. gas, with 3 year warranty. Highly recommended.

And what does “Minty” (as we called her) give us? It gives us a second home on wheels taking us to places we never thought we’d see or exist…

Beinn a'Bhuird is the eleventh highest mountain in Britain, a vast high plateau in the eastern Cairngorms.

Life in a "Minty" when locked down.

It is now September and July saw the last post, in the depth of lockdown. Lockdown? Perhaps gone, apart from localised areas and close to home are Oldham and Kirklees. So what is happening?

Grinning at National Trust Great Langdale campsite after big run

Grinning at National Trust Great Langdale campsite after big run

It has been a trying time for people. Why?

  • Covid 19 - some people have suffered from it, lost loved ones, or seen people suffer.

  • Covid 19 - collateral damage. Widely seen economically with business downturn and uncertainty leading to furloughing of people across to job loses, and the resultant financial trauma and stress.

  • Covid 19 - health. People I suspect, well believe, are suffering mentally from all that is happening. New conditions develop, latent ones re-unleashed. Relationships become strained. Physically people seem to be piling the pounds on, with upset routine upsetting exercise, and over indulgence in alcohol and the like prevalent; also core factors in mental and physical wellbeing.

I have always been a big believer in adversity creating opportunity, but I honestly feel that as we enter Q4 of 2020 we will see more uncertainty to the detriment of opportunity. Why?

  • Furlough money will cease in October, this will compound cash flow issues for firms and it is likely postponed staff decisions will have to be brought to a head. People will be realised via redundancy sadly. People will more likely focus on work especially with children back at school.

  • Trading conditions are not great and it is likely to be a tough retail Q4, which affects many trades including mine for example: advertising.

  • We have a USA election in November which will divide a country and be closely watched by the World. Its implications have a global impact economically, militarily (and thus economically.)

  • Brexit has not been solved or delivered. There is a deadline of 31st December 2020. The implications for economics are huge.


But in light of the above, do we really know what will happen? Are we able to gaze into the future? Should we?

My personal viewpoint to the prior questions is “no”. Life is about living in the moment, the present, enjoying what we have and asking a crucial question of oneself: “what is my problem at this moment?” Not what has happened, it is past, not what may come. I’d strongly suggest reading THE POWER OF NOW by Eckhart Tolle as I learnt a lot from it. Like all books take from it what you need. The important thing is “living in the now”. If you live in the past you regret past actions and upset the now, if you live in the future you make yourself dissatisfied with now.

The same thinking applies to the Covid, USA election, and Brexit (not to mention life generally) situations. Live in the now, taking each hour, second as they come and ask if you must, “what is my problem now?” And if you do not have one, then life is good. Just deal with it as it comes along, not matter what it is. You have precious time on the planet and use it wisely, for you and for others. Remember you receive as you give. And if something does crop up?

R - recognise there is a problem.

A - accept there is a problem.

D - detach from the problem.

A - ask for help if needed.

R - respond to the problem.


With life you do need to consider goals and plans, if you are that way inclined. I would strongly suggest learning about goals and plans via Businessballs - Whilst a business orientated site, it does focus on the person. After all, is your life more important than work? You ought to focus on happiness and giving, and then all else fits into place.


Get a Minty, and get one from camper_versions of Darwen where we got our VW T6 from. Run away and escape the routine drudgery of life; or hire one. The laboured and cheeky point I make is getting out of the routine you are in. I am by no means suggesting that you go out and buy a campervan or that your life is drudgery. Routine is healthy for giving reason to life and achieving your way through life, but disjointed routine resulting from Covid 19 or never ending routine that is not examined lead to stasis and a lack of change. Breaking routine allows you to examine, but don’t overthink it, where you are with your life and what you want. Are you happy? Is it all about work, career, money? Are you giving back to society?

All of these I pondered when we headed off in August for a month of touring in The Lakes, and Scotland. The point I make is have some “break” time, especially now when you may feel you ought to work hard or take advantage of furlough. Sometimes you cannot see the “wood for the trees” when in a work or non-work routine, or for that matter no routine. I class myself as fortunate to be able to live life, even with its challenges.

Lastly, what do you want from life? Have you tried living on less money and being happy? If you have a roof over your head and food on the table, then how lucky a person are you?

Report on The Cobley in Lockdown, and "Irresistible."

Tuesday 14th July; well and truly into lockdown. And I want to chat over Irresistible.

Lathkill Dale in July 2020

Life has been somewhat vague, if honest, since mid-March when the Covid-19 lockdown occurred in the UK. But it has opened a whole world of opportunity for me in terms of downing tools and looking at other areas of activity or leisure.

Downing tools became apparent by the end of March as I could see that advertising ground to a halt and there was certainly no need of consultants. To add to this was the unpalatable realisation that people were actually losing their jobs, income, and confidence. And it is only getting worse. It is sad and of concern.

But I do think that out of adversity can come so much opportunity. And maybe it is a time for change?

Chaos and Opportunity

I do believe that chaos and opportunity are bedfellows and it is good to learn this. More so with recent events revolving around Covid-19. Sometimes chaos is nature’s way of bringing about change and something that should be embraced even if unpleasant. It can open a whole world of opportunity to you. Is it time for a change? Does lockdown bring you time in which to spring clean the home or your career, or for that matter yourself?

You can still tick the job or business over, whilst looking at engaging with people, chores, exercise, learning, or just plain resting. (It is not uncommon for people in advertising to work at a million miles an hour.) I’ve been mixing it up with fell running, outdoor swimming (now the proud owner of a bright orange tow float), and cycling. I am very grateful to live where I live, in the middle of the “great outdoors”.

And you may want to get outside yourself to Saddleworth, as we are all suffering from cabin fever.

But I really want to natter about READING (excuse the caps) and specifically one book that helped me.


There is a wealth of material to read if you have time on your hands, and people do especially when furloughed or not working full hours. It is something I have turned to, always being a lover of books. You may also want to look at studying online, via FutureLearn for example. I myself am studying a course on Neuroleadership.

If you are not a reader maybe consider Audible or Podcasts.


This book was recommended to me by a friend who has a PHd in Machine Learning. A clever chap to say the least. I wanted to suggest it as it has helped me deal with what was clearly a dependence on technology, and has helped switch me to reading and weaning myself off technology.

The book’s tagline on its front cover is “The rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooked.” and that sums it up. The book charts the rise of the technology we use including websites and how we become hooked or addicted, and how this is engineered by those behind the technology. The book explains how technology addiction is no different to other forms of addiction and that it is insidious with many people not aware of this. The “pleasure” path to this addiction is no different to that of other addictions. It is something I was concerned about as I was sucked into iPhone and social media usage to name one or two culprits. It explains the process of addiction with research and correlates this to technology addiction, again with research - it’s fascinating reading.

It was one of the books I’ve read over lockdown and as you’ll guess I suggest reading it, especially if you work in advertising.


I knew my iPhone, news, and social media consumption was problematic; Claire my wife was also forced to comment on it. So as of March and after reading the book I curtailed my usage of technology, for example having no laptop and iPhone for three weeks. On reading Irresistible I realised the gravitas of my technology addiction, but also saw the sheer joy of time out from it, and a rediscovery of reading and other “stuff”.

It is clear that addiction is manifest in your wanting to check that e-mail, in wanting to get a like or follow, in wanting to tell people what you have been up to and what a great life you have, and so it goes on. You end up navel gazing, become self-centred, introspective, detached from people and reality. There is also the impact your posts may have on people. Harping on about how great a day you are having, could make someone miserable or unworthy - yes that does happen.

Now is a real opportunity to embrace change, even if unpleasant. It is such a part of life that maybe you ought to view it as a catalyst to “spring clean” your life or make an overdue change. Even cut down on technology. Also try not too get hung up on what may happen with Covid-19, no one really knows, and try to live in the present. Ask yourself honestly, “do I have a problem now?” Because in reality it is the now we deal with and live in.

Overland Site - Ferenc and Evelin.

A short while ago Ferenc got in touch over my blog asking if I could promote Overland, and I am happy to do so having had a good read, and possessing a fellow love of traveling with adventure and challenge.

To quote:

Overlanding is vehicle dependent travel, where the main goal is the journey itself, not the destination. 

It often involves off-road capable vehicles where travellers can discover trails and areas that are less frequently visited.

Overlanders usually enjoy off-grid camping and try to be self sustained for an extended period of time.”

Ferenc got in touch via e-mail to promote a particular article that had been written on travelling with your pets when “overlanding”, which is well worth reading especially as we have Ted and our VW T6 Campervan. Have a read of the article if you own a “Mutley” and are thinking of travelling.

The site is well worth reading to those of you who want to try something different, maybe give up the day job, and explore the world, sometimes with plans, sometimes making it up as you go along.

All about Bruno.

Let me introduce you to Bruno, a friend, great guy, athlete, and trainer.

As some of you know I have a passion for fell running, which came upon me in later years, after having been a traveller, outdoor type, and mountain biker; and I want to mention someone who has been key in my personal development as a human being and fell runner. Someone very interesting indeed.

Bruno is someone who I’d been introduced to through the running community. Portuguese, having lived in the UK for a number of years, and is a top class runner representing Portugal and racing at UK and International level. He’s a trainer and runs classes in Saddleworth to develop core and stability, whilst also giving one to one sessions.

He is excellent in terms of knowledge, but crucially he has a gift with people. He is someone who can talk to people new to exercise across to national level runners; all with a grace, a care, a humility, a passion. He has worked with me, as well as my attending his group classes. He has developed my mental side to be more relaxed, observant, humble, leading me to enjoy life and my fell running - to be thankful for what I have. On the running side he’s had me focus on my running style and core, so giving greater efficiency.

Bruno has had to curtail his classes held in Saddleworth due to Covid 19 but they are beginning to re-commence. Let me know if you want details, or visit

Excellent service (again) from camper_versions of Darwen

Back in April we bought our beloved “Minty McMint Face” or “Minty” - a VW T6 LWB campervan conversion from Camper_Versions of Darwen.

Note the new removable rail fitted to utilise the vertical space at the rear.

The T6 is a long wheel base version, sourced by camper_versions and converted by them for Claire and I. To say they are a brilliant firm, lovely to work with, is an underestimation. And we always recomend them to friends and fell runners. You don’t have to start from scratch as we did, there is a excellent selection of “ready” campervans to choose from.

We popped in to Darwen to have a rail fitted at the rear of the van to allow for storage containers to be hung for better utilisation of space. As the team worked we met up with a friend, Justin, for a walk to Darwen Tower.

We came back to see the finished work and were impressed at the quality and the fact the pole can be removed! Once again, excellent work and service. The new storage containers have made a massive difference, and the rail will also allow us to hang clothes, wetsuits and the like.

A research study on factors that affect overuse injuries in fell runners

Ben Sant is a PhD student at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). He’s conducting a research study on factors that affect overuse injuries in fell runners.

Phase one of the study is an online questionnaire designed to quantify the running habits and injury type and
frequency amongst female and male/professional and amateur fell runners. The study has been approved by UCLan ethics committee.

I’d be really grateful if people could complete the survey to help Ben with his PhD.

10 Epic Walks in The Peak District

Today I’d like to highlight a great guide to Peak District walks put together by Lukas Saville who kindly got in touch and asked me to let people know about his work.

I would strongly recommend this series of wonderful walks. Brilliantly put together by Lukas.

Do let me know how you get on!

Furloughed, but grateful for what we have. (Especially myself.)

It has been a tough old time for people, all walks of life since March. And I have not posted since our half term trip to the Cleveland Hills in February - so that’s roughly three months.

3rd Year Wedding Anniversary

So, where are we - the Cobley’s?

To be honest, happy and grateful, and that is the nature of this post. We are lucky to have our health, a roof over our heads, and loved ones. Claire has been teaching remotely, working hard to keep her youngsters motivated, and also the God awful task of predicting grades; affecting people’s lives. Me? Well, the advertising business, like a lot, has ground to a halt as Covid 19 bites hard into industry with the global lockdown and uncertainty. So I decided to furlough myself at the start of April.

We count ourselves lucky. Many people are not. And to compound some people’s lives is the sad loss of loved ones. I’ve certainly learnt about humility.

I hope all the people who we know personally, in teaching, and via Found Us are all good in the circumstances. Please do let us KNOW! We are thinking of you.

“Chairman Ted” also says hello and wishes YOU all the best!

Looking down the Chew Valley

A time of challenge, but let us remember the good times.

I’ve not posted for a while, for one reason or another. Last post was December and it is now March, so quite a while. Work, personal stuff blah, blah, blah…

So I thought I’d post about our half term trip to Guisborough and running in the Cleveland Hills, the northern most part of the Yorkshire Dales. It might take people’s thoughts away from the current crisis. And maybe encourage people to get out, where they can.

Claire running to Roseberry Topping as we recce the Guisborough Three Tops Race.

Whilst the race, the first in the English Championships for fell running has been cancelled due to the Corona Virus crisis, Claire and I were lucky enough to be able to recce the route in cold but amazing weather.

The recce ended up being 11.49 miles with 2,854 feet of cumulative climb, with amazing views.



It was a very interesting route to say the least. Starting off with an initial climb through forest (Guisborough Woods) to then follow with steep climbs and descents that sap the legs. Muddy, sloppy, and in definite need of Mudclaw shoes or the like. Up and down, up and down.

But after reaching Highcliff Nab the route then changes to more of a trail route on slabs across to rough tracks, where Rocklite shoes would be a good choice. I myself had worn my new Altra King MT 1.5 Trail Running Shoes - a hybrid, but I must admit that going downhill was a bit treacherous.

Pano photo from Highcliff Nab.

We’d travelled up with Minty for the week staying initially on a local farm, well in the stables as the pitch area was saturated and the VW T6 would have got stuck in the mud.

After the farm we found a lovely little campsite at Great Busby which allowed us to run across what the locals call the “Three Sisters” that sit above the hamlet. A fresh day but we were rewarded by amazing views. Weather wise it was changeable to say the least as Britain was hit by the wettest February on record, as Storm Ciara, Storm Dennis and Storm Jorge, followed in quick succession by smashing the country. We were lucky, very lucky.

In finishing off the adventure we headed to Whitby, staying just outside of the town, where Claire had never been. The highlights? Wandering around Whitby and having a fish and chip lunch at the legendary Magpie, and running to Robin Hood’s Bay.

Break, Change, Stasis, Fells, Election...

It has been a while since I have had a chance to post on my beloved Blog, but sometimes we have to take time out from things for a variety of reasons. And a break can be a good thing, to thus also introduce and allow for change, and also allow for the fact you cannot be in all places at once, or be available for all people.

Just finished my leg of the Lee Mill Fell Relay.

My last blog entry related to the Langdale Horseshoe in October, roughly two months ago from this point in time. And a lot has happened since then. Politics wise we have a majority Conservative led government as of yesterday. This is change certainly and will lead to the exit from the European Union. For many this brings change and potential uncertainty. But irrespective of your political views, change can create opportunity, and at least we have direction (though you may not agree with that direction.)

For me, on the business side of Found Us, it has been a tough trading year as the uncertainty has plagued decision making by both candidates and clients, even at senior level. Despite all of this, it’s still been a successful year in its own right. But with your head held high in times of adversity sticking to your principles is a crucial thing I have learnt from 2019, and you deal with this adversity while focusing on what change brings. That way you do not deviate from what, who, and how you are. You ascribe to your personal brand values, and I think when you work closely with people as I do you maintain a sense of integrity and honesty; all so vital for people when they are making a crucial decision to their career and for that matter their life. I think it has been a worrying time for a lot of people and when you have a family and home to maintain, more so.

  • Uncertainty is part of progressing through life and should be embraced and welcomed.

  • Welcomed? It can stimulate you to take action, to make change.

  • But you do not always have to make change, sometimes it can be good to be swept along by changing times, and take a break from it all - as has happened to me over the last two months, which for myself has created an alternate perspective on life.

  • The maelstrom of change from my October Blog entry has show me HOW we can come together as a “people” and look after each other, and roles, jobs, careers - whatever you want to call them - become insignificant in the universe. It is about looking and finding the best in people and showing them what proverbially lies on their own doorstep. “Empowering their humanity” so they are themselves happy in what they do, growing themselves and others. Sadly, not all see this.

  • I learnt that Found Us is about Advising, Matching, Giving - so bringing out the best in me, and the people I meet. It’s hard at times, but works for me as an approach.

  • It is also an approach I take to life in general.

  • And alternatives, like change, enliven us, stimulate us, grow us.

A trip to Scotland and Arisaig

After the Langdale Horseshoe we headed off for half term to Arisaig with Claire’s parents (whilst being visited by other relatives) to stay at a lovely and large holiday home we have used before. Whilst I had to work, it was relaxing, and allowed for good company and some wonderful running in what is known as “The Rough Bounds

One highly recommended run (or walk) is to the ruins of Peanmeanach on a remote peninsular; deserted as a result of the infamous Clearances:

NOW onto some notable fell running in the last two months since the Langdale Horseshoe

Penmaenmawr Fell Race - November 2019

A number of the motley warriors from the Saddleworth Runners made their way to Capelulo Village in Wales on a damp and dreary Saturday 16th November. Some of us, including Claire my wife and myself, had driven from the Outdoor Alternative centre at Rhoscolyn where a posse of us from the Saddleworth Runners were staying for the weekend. As the weather deteriorated we set off to eventually run into some quality clag after the initial 1,000 or so feet of climb. Navigation was “pants” after the first checkpoint and a number of leading runners managed to mis-navigate across a barren and wild moor heading for checkpoint two - me included. Despite this navigational wobble I continued on at quite a respectable pace in poor conditions via the various checkpoints to make it back in sodden fashion to the finish in the village.

As ever a wonderful race with great hospitality and organisation.

Descending to the finish.

The “Saddleworth Fellas” Team.

Another winter classic in the fell running calendar for the following reasons:

  • You run a 6.5 mile course on the moors above Bacup.

  • It is November and the weather can be brutal at times.

  • You run in a team four trying to achieve the fastest team time.

  • The race attracts some damn fine fell runners.

I was running with Des Thorpe, Kevin Jones, and Nick Haynes. All of us, apart from Des veterans of this course. Thankfully the weather was just right for running on the moors. Clear visibility, little cold, damp. We were all apprehensive but excited at the extravaganza to befall us… All in all it was and is a great relay race with the usual long tough initial climb to the highest point (Trig Point at Top of Leach above the Rossendale Valley) followed by the exhilarating speedy downhill run over what can be treacherous bog to beneath the disused Britannia Quarry with a gut wrenching climb out to run alongside the quarry before a speedy descent to the finish. Highly recommended.

Flickr PHOTOS:


Race SITE:

The Five Trigs with Sam and Jon

Alphin Pike Trig Point. Nearly finished.

Sunday 1st December saw Sam and Jon run the 5 Trigs challenge with myself. It’s a club challenge that the Saddleworth Runners have been doing for yonks it seems. I’d run it a few years back with Des Thorpe and thoroughly enjoyed it, so suggested it as a Sunday run with two people choosing to join me. No pressure then on the navigation. There are five Trig Points that we strove to get under 5 hours. This is the route we chose but you can run it in reverse. You start and finish at The Clarence pub in Greenfield at the bottom of the Holmfirth Road. So there we were “bright as buttons” ready to go.

  1. Broad Stone Trig.

  2. West Nab Trig.

  3. Black Hill Trig.

  4. Featherbed Moss Trig.

  5. Alphin Pike Trig.

And we were off by roughly 8.30am taking a route up to Broad Stone via Tunstead Lane. It was quite cold and as we climbed into the hills we saw just how frosty and stunning the scenery was.

Pano shot looking toward Greenfield and Uppermill.

It is a great little local challenge at 20 miles with roughly 3,200 feet of cumulative climb across a variety of terrain and taking in part of the Pennine Way.

One of the highlights was the 360 degree vista we received at the summit of West Nab that sits close to the Holmfirth Road and Pennine Way.

Flickr PHOTOS:


Final Thoughts…

All in all a varied two months that saw Arisaig across to the Saddleworth Moors to a General Election and in that time I had not posted to my blog. Interestingly in looking back to what had happened previously I was stunned to realise I had missed out the half term trip with Claire and her parents to Arisaig which I have now entered into the Blog entry earlier. I’d actually forgotten.

This brings me to stasis. No matter what happens, no matter when you feel you are going nowhere or have forgotten where you have been, you are actually moving through life, and life is moving through you. Don’t forget that. It is natural, and you will be surprised at where you have been when you look back. Hence my thought as to “break” not actually being a “break” - we are very changing, and change is normal. We are “creatures of change and flux.” That’s why we should all keep at it when it comes to life.

Langdale Horseshoe 2019

Sunday 13th saw the 2019 Langdale Horseshoe fell race which was good fun, challenging, and eventful.

Great Langdale Campsite after the race.

The Langdale Horseshoe is organised by Ambleside AC and a classic Lakes fell race, that can and does challenge people due to distance, terrain, ascent and descent, and whatever the weather can be in October.

We’d (wifey and doggy) travelled up in Minty the VW T6 to stay at the National Trust Great Langdale campsite where the race starts from, staying over Friday and Saturday night. Also running the race was Andy “Persistent” Poole and Jill “Boss” Davies who we caught up with on Saturday morning.

Andy and Jill.

Andy Poole and I from the Saddleworth Runners ended up running 12.7 miles, with 5,308 feet of climb. We’d decided to run together but not race as I’d not Lakes raced since the Old County Tops in May, and Andy has the Snowdon Marathon in two weeks. Despite this it was a tough race, especially where visibility and temperature declined on the top of Bowfell making for hard navigation.



Overall the weather was wet and damp with rain at the start of the race, so making rocks slippy and treacherous, with grassy and muddy descents lethal at times.

The Race Organiser at the start explained that it was a full field with over 400 runners, a record. Children counted us down and we were off. It was shoulders and elbows (in a nice apologetic way) as we ran along the track for the climb to Stickle Tarn.

Briefing before the start.

I’d been exercising during the week, but being sensible. But what I’d not realised was I was tired from a busy week and it transpired on tired legs from helping neighbours lug 3 tonnes of gravel for repairs to a collapsed garden wall. But the key factor was the time in not having been in The Lakes. It is a different type of running compared to the Moors of Saddleworth.

Some facts here. You reach the top of Pavey Ark from the valley after 2.2 miles and at this point have climbed over two thousand feet in one go. I was knackered and my legs not working, whilst still feeling asleep. Praise is given to Mr Andy Poole who stuck with me to check I was okay and helped drag me up the “offensive” climb, and to be frank round the whole race.

Climb to Stickle Tarn.

Stickle Tarn and Pavey Arch in the distance, soon to be climbed.

From this point it was a run across the moors of Thunacar Knott and Martcrag Moors, both of which were boggy with all the rain lately.

At one point a number of people ran into a bog, icy cold, up to their waists - Andy was one of them, and he explained it was freezing whilst it also shocked him.

We carried on heading for Angle Tarn to catch up with Josie “Smiler” Greenhalgh making her way to Esk Hause which turned out to be a pleasant climb; by now I’d seemed to have woken up, shook off lassitude, and my legs seemed to be working. All of this was great, but I was soon to be rewarded with the God awful contouring section beneath Esk Pike as you head to Ore Gap. On climbing to Ore Gap the mist and clag had come down, visibility limited and temperatures dropping as we climbed to Bowfell. It was hard climbing on slippy, slimy, and shifting rocks and you had to be oh so careful.

But on Bowfell summit we were rewarded with smiles from Liz Tromans and Jane Hodgson who kindly offered water that I gratefully received. This race goes to show that even in rainy, cold, damp weather water is important - you do sweat profusely.

Kit is also important, and I’d kitted my self out correctly with the Softshell top, Inov-8 Race Elite shorts, and Ultimate race sack. However I’d right ROYALLY fooked up the choice of shoes, thinking Innov-8 Rocklites would be a good choice with all the rock. But what about the nightmare muddy, grassy section from Pike O’ Blisco? More to come on that.

From Bowfell you head to Crinkle Crags, difficult in clag, with a shocker descent off Bowell down a slippy walkers path that had people falling all over the show.

This was not the main concern, the main concern was Bad Step in the drizzle. What is Bad Step? Very simply after Gunson Knott you have sheer rocky sides with big drops as you drop off Crinkle Crags. Bad Step is where you drop down and it involves scrambling. And in the weather was certainly NOT pleasant. Andy (with knowledge) got myself and another runner down and around Bad Step via a sneaky route (steep and iffy mind you) and we were glad. Josie commented later that it had been horrible.

Descending Bad Step off Crinkle Crags.

Off we ploughed for the long but enjoyable descent to Pike O’ Blisco rewarded with great views as the clag and mist cleared. Andy did start to cramp, took some salt immediately and that seemed to sort him out. The climb up the Pike was good, solid, and fun. Views on the top breathtaking. At this point you have basically smashed the race as it is all descent to Great Langdale and the finish.

Dropping down to Red Tarn, with Pike O’ Blisco in the background.

Now let me tell you about the descent from the Pike O’ Blisco… It was at this point that my choice of Rocklites bit me in the arse. The descent is muddy, grassy, and long as you head toward Blea Tarn and turn away toward Great Langdale - people will also know part of the route from the Three Shires fell race. Not having fallen over (coming nastily close coming off rocky Bowfell) I flew off my feet onto my side trying to overtake two runners grazing my arm. Stood up, ran 10 feet, flew off my feet again. The runners initial concern transformed into silence at my ineptitude. Basically it was a bloody awful descent, one of the worse I’ve had and all poor Andy could hear behind him were expletives and shrieks. On seeing the road I was happy knowing it was soon to be over, only to launch into thin air completely off my feet to land heavily on the running sack. Thankfully the sack took the blow but I was badly winded. Hobbling to the road for the final descent Andy had kindly waited.

It was then a quick pelt down to the campsite and to the finish. It is worth noting for the record that “The Boss” accompanied by Terrier Ted were out on a run to meet us at Red Tarn before the climb up Pike O’ Blisco. They said hello to lots of runners, but not myself or Mr Poole. Oh, and they missed us at the start and finish. (Compare to Trigger 2019.)

We’d finished though and were happy, chatting away with Claire and Ted.

But this soon turned to concern as the Race Organiser could be heard asking for Liz Tromans, and we identified ourselves. It transpired that Jill Davies had take a bad fall off Bad Step and broken both her wrist and one of her fibula bones. She could not move and we were worried. We had no idea as to what we could do, where Liz and Jane were, so promptly headed back to Minty to get changed to then head back to HQ. There was no real news apart from an Ambleside Runner had legged it to Jill with a full med-kit to sort her out, with other runners helping, plus the marshalls on Bowfell. A runner had actually run all the way back up to Bowfell from Bad Step to get an emergency shelter off the Marshalls!

Eventually Andy headed back to the Achille Ratti hut and left Claire and I to Minty. Not long after this we heard the whoop, whoop of a coastguard helicopter heading exactly to Crinkle Crags. Worried, but we knew Jill was sorted as she was airlifted off with the helicopter landing!

Langdale/Ambleside Mountain Rescue Incident Report

What I learnt from this is why I love fell running. People mucked in and helped, with fellow runners keeping Jill company despite their being in a race.

Saturday night we headed to the Old Dungeon Gill Inn to listen to folk music from a festival. It was relaxed and good, but we did think of Jill.

Would I recommend the race? Yes. But train for it. Wear Mudclaws or something similar…

(After what happened to Jill, all I can say is KIT, KIT, KIT. Her kit kept her warm.)

Bad Step - Andy and I took a longer, less precarious route to the right of the sheer face.

Bad Step - Andy and I took a longer, less precarious route to the right of the sheer face.

Cross Keys Fell and Road Relay, and Jill's last.

The weekend saw the last time Jill Boustead ran and hosted the legendary fell and road relay from the Cross Keys Inn above Uppermill.

Jill Boustead with the racing prizes.

The Inn is a wonderful location, sat beneath the moors of Saddleworth and above Uppermill and where the Saddleworth Runners train from during summer months. Sadly but happily it was Jill’s last as Race Organiser, having managed the melee for a few years in all kinds of weather, and what great weather if was on Saturday 21st September 2019.

I’d arrived first thing to drop off new florescent road signs for that part of the relay whilst Claire was food shopping in Uppermill. Ted patiently and quietly watched me as I tied one or two signs, to occasionally disappear to either say hello to people or wee on something. We left as people were arriving to help, to then return for 12 noon and Claire’s Marshal briefing to a hive of activity involving runners and teams registering and support crew donning bibs. Oldham Mountain Rescue (also fielding a team) were deep in conversation - the pub’s barn is their location HQ.

So what is the race? A team of four, can be mixed, enter with runner 1 racing an up and down 3 mile road leg that is tough, they then hand over to runner 2 who runs a tough 3 mile fell leg over the moors. They then hand over to runner 3 for a road leg, then to runner 4 for the final fell leg. The fastest team time wins. Simple.

Have a look at the Saddleworth Runners website for more information:

It was hot and humid in places, with limited wind, so the road leg was going to be a shocker for people with its tough undulations at break neck pace. It is two laps of the same course and many a red and hot face was cheered on as they passed start/finish outside the pub for lap two.

Start of the relay with the first road leg starting.

Handover occurs in a finish funnel, akin to a baton change in athletics with runners touching hands as they finish one leg tired, and the other brightly shoots off.

The fell leg is tough indeed with an initial solid climb from the Cross Keys, through the Pob Green Hamlet, and up onto the moors above the Holmfirth Road (A635), with runners looking down into the famous Dove Stone Reservoir.

A tired Nick Haynes having run road leg 1 hands over to John Haigh for fell leg 2.

I’d assembled a crack team in the form of Nick Haynes (road leg 1), John Haigh (fell leg 1), Sean Willis (road leg 2), and myself finishing the relay with fell leg 4. We had to think of a name for this team of Adonis Masterpieces (more balding Alan Patridges’s) and came up with “CXC Beasts”. CXC is Roman Numerals for 190, our combined age. Say “CXC” fast or slow and then add “Beast”. The image is provocative.

Haigh and Cobley in numbers - legs 2 and 4 fell.

As ever it was a great event, with great weather, many spectators - most notably the legend Graham Tibbot seen here egging on Gaynor Keane.

Apparently politely asking Gaynor to make time up whilst timing on a classic wristwatch - legend.

The Inn is a wonderful location and all enjoyed the day. Big thanks to Jill for her commitment over the years who has now handed over to Nick and Tanya Haynes.

My fell section STRAVA:

My FLICKR photos:

The winning team?

Holmfirth Harriers A with a winning time of 1 hour 26 minutes. Sterling effort. “CXC Beasts”? We came 8th out of 21 teams.

The Ben Nevis Fell Race (and I did not fall over) 2019

Don’t even know to start with this one. So I will start with the stats. 9 miles and 4.5k feet of climb up and then descent across mind boggling gradients and sliding scree and rocks. Apart from that it was sunny…

“Man alive” I need my head examining whilst writing this blog entry after the weekend shenanigans up Ben Nevis. To start with it’s a 350 mile drive on a Friday in Minty with Nick “Carefree” Haynes to the Glen Nevis campsite outside of Fort WIlliam. You also have to be lucky enough to get a place as well as meet the criteria of previous experience - the weather up Ben Nevis can be a shocker. And the race has some quite stern cut offs. By one hour you have to be at Red Burn, the half way point, and by two hours at the summit. We think the cut off’s were not observed on the Saturday just gone as the weather was splendorous!


So, let us go back in time… Bit like The Wizard of Oz…

We arrived at the Glen Nevis around 7.30pm on Friday evening after a 350 mile drive. With the help of Nick, Minty was fully resplendent having been sent up on a lovely pitch. I was so, so glad I’d booked immediately after being accepted into the race earlier in the year, as the electric hook ups were all taken. The views had been excellent as we headed up with Nick taken aback by Glencoe.


Yours truly was happy driving Claire’s “Wendy Hut” on wheels, and by this point was quite tired. After set up we headed off to the restaurant/pub the campsite owns to find the Keanes, with the “Spag Boll” Claire had cooked sat in the fridge. It was a long evening to be honest.. very drawn out. Anyway we made it to the temporary office, which was Minty, after the evening meal. Few beers, company, and munched the food down.

After retiring, well I was certainly knackered after the drive, we arose around 9am in the morning to be greeted by bright sunshine and Gaynor and Alan bashing on the door. The geologist was up, I certainly was not. He’d already wandered about the campsite. I was snoozing in my under crackers and left the introductions to his Nibs, and thankful he was on form. Coffee was sorted out for the Keane’s whilst I proverbially grabbed my smalls. Anyway there was no time to be buggering about and it was all hands on deck. Roused we were and up at em’ it was… Groan…

By this point it all became serious, in that we would have to run up Ben Nevis - blooming eck’. It was all getting quite serious. I repeat myself. We headed to the field of “joy” so to speak. The sun was out and it was unusual weather. In fact it looked as though it could be amazing. What was happening? The weather report for the Highlands had been appalling, but it had changed to one of those days as the “Jocks” would explain; a once in a ten year type of weather. We decided to pile into Minty in order to make a statement and being blunt to show off. And it was a good idea as we drove the short distance to Claggan, just outside of Fort William and where the race starts from.

Parking was non-existent at the hockey ground and we were allowed to temporarily park by the Rozzers before having to move on. Move on we did and drove up the lane that you run up to the start of the summit path looking for a turning point. It was at this point that the lovely David Armstrong (24th race) waved us down to park on a rough area by the river and right by the starting field! Boom!

Faffing occurred as we battled with the race packs, but to discover a wee dram of Nevis Dew! After consternation over fixing numbers to the rear of a pack with safety pins we headed to the start. Ready to be piped to the starting gate - it was a wonderful atmosphere in the sun!

It’s a 1pm start (due to location) and by now it was very hot with beaming sunlight. We gathered for the start, apprehensive, ready to go. Tension mounted as the assembled Pipe Band trooped us to the start.

We were off with no grace and proceeded to leg it along the single track road to the summit path. It was very hot and unusual weather for the location, time of year, etc. I heated up very quickly as I ran the initial path up to the scree with the 1 hour cut off at Red Burn deeply in my mind. It’s quite well laid heading up the path as we dodged nonplussed walkers but the heat became a big issue. At Red Burn the tough stuff begins as the runners deviate from the path and head straight up via a ridiculous gradient.

I’d made the cut off but was really struggling with the heat dousing myself from Red Burn and other places of water. Other runners were the same. The climb from Red Burn is just plain madness as you aim directly for the summit. It was a strange one for me as I’d never walked or run Ben Nevis and had not made a recce of the race route. This it transpired made a huge difference. Ben Nevis has many false summits and I now realise this held me back as well as being stuck behind people on the scree climb. My advice for those with good legs is to push hard on the climb as it makes a difference. My advice for the worried is don’t do it as my mind wandered to the thought of legging down the scree etc. Yikes.

The final ascent of BN was fine and quite nice for running. Rewarded with stunning views I certainly buggered about on the summit taking photos. To be honest I was shocked at how busy it was on the summit with walkers and runners; all we needed was a McDonald’s. After taking photos and having “scenic” break it was time to head back…

Now, the run down from the summit was nice, and people cheering you on helps indeed. By this point a lot of walkers had made the summit.

Then you hit the scree descent, which is straight down and frightening. You avoid the walkers path. I’d bought brand new 290 gram Rocklite shoes and even these could not grip on the soil, rocks, and scree. We slid down part of the 4.5k feet descent and it was hairy to say the least. I held off and was glad of this when seeing two runners have a bad fall clattering onto rocks.

You then hit Red Burn after bouncing off rocks and grass, to be rewarded with a stone laid path that takes you back to the start. That said the stones are offset and hard work as you belt down, and the heat was close and humid.

You leg it down the path to then hit the Ben Nevis Inn and Bunkhouse, and by now people were oiled and cheering us on. A credit on the way down was due to the walkers who moved out of the way and gleefully gave praise.

Then it is the one mile road stretch to the finish, and by this point that was hard and painful. But you were rewarded with a magical moment as you enter the finish field. Your name is called out, and locals clutching Tenants cheer you on to the finish!

I’d raced up and down in 2 hours 47 minutes and was proud as I’m not on form. The race record is 1 hour 25 minutes…

Getting back on form via Crowden Horseshoe 2019... hmmm...

As I type from Manorbier on a Minty tour of the Pembrokeshire Coast and after a 16 mile costal run with 4k feet of climb where I almost boiled to death, I reminisce to Sunday 19th August which saw my first FRA race since the Old County Tops race in May. So by my reckoning quite a while.

First splish splosh climbing out of Crowden. Chris Davies to the right soon to overtake. Photo by Des Thorpe and Winnie.

Brexit has in a single handed manner right royally buggered up the advertising business that I work in, and trading has been tough as the uncertainty plaguing all began to bite around May/June time. It can only get worse or remain the same as a potential no confidence vote could occur across to a general election.

So, I’d run a lot in the first part of the year, and decided to have a break after the OCT, which ended up being two months off the running (I’d also lost my mojo) whilst focusing on the business. My next adventure was to be suporting Tim’s Rutter’s Bog Graham Round.

What Did I Learn?

I learnt that you need a balance. Yes, yes, yes I know people will exclaim “we all know this.” In hindsight taking time off to focus the business was myopic and all consuming. You need a break from anything, physically and almost certainly mentally especially working in advertising which operates at a typically fast pace. I moved the business on, my consultancy, but not to the extent that I thought and the lack of fell running impacted my fitness and thus motivation. Lethargy had set in… It also meant missing people who you share an interest with which can be a mind cleansing experience in its own right. I am certainly not looking to lecture here just share an experience.

If honest, I think “work life balance” is an urban myth, and like fabled treasure or Tantalus something we aim for but never reach. All is just life, and I think best muddled through, and it is okay to do various things all at once, whilst avoiding an all consuming focus on one thing. You may be muddled, do things indiscriminately, but I think it okay to be varied as it is a blessing for mental health.

Crowden Horseshoe

It is an 8 mile beasty with 1.7k of climb across moorland from Crowden campsite (Woodhead Pass) to Black Hill and back. Most of the climb element being in the first 4 miles.

I was looking forward to the race but also apprehensive as I’d not raced in a while. Race was 11am and I arrived around 10.20am with plenty of time to spare. Thinking I was the only Saddleworth Runner I was pleased to see a cheery Chris “Phantom” Phillips (you never see him during a race as he’s dang fast!) sorting his bike out at registration (yes, he’d cycled from Mossley) and then met the ever smiling Chris “The Beast” Davies. Wifey was en route on her bike to come and join us.

Also with us was Sue Hinde, but not seen until the end of the race.

I briefly said hello to Tim Rutter who I’d supported on his BG a few weeks earlier, and saw him after the race for a bigger chat.

It was a warm and humid start with humour supplied by the grinning Dave Gibbons, who was to happily take off me a slow cooker and surround sound system destined for a charity shop; he’d initially asked if Saddleworth Runners were bringing their dinner with them!

Anyway I was determined to get going and not get stuck at stile about half a kilometer from the start, with the last time my racing it being the case.

I soon found myself in among the fit and fast runners climbing steadily up to Laddow Rocks and realised I had to run as fast as them when out of practice, not helped by Des Thorpe and Winnie telling me to get my arse moving over the first river crossing with “The Beast Davies” hot on my heels (who was to pass me on the climb looking like a running animal.)

Legs were tired and I was also wheezing, which happens in hayfever season. From Laddow it was a fast descent to the slabs for the climb up to Black Hill in a pack of lads all egging each other on with what can be quite a fiddly and tricky run through narrow furrows.

I knew I was tired as I’ve headed up the slabs faster, and could see runners ahead who I normally pace with. But? I was really happy and enjoying the clear views that came to us during all the race, with my not being hung up as to position and time as per the norm. This also despite being overtaken by runners on the climb to Laddow.

I knew the path back to Crowden via Black Hill would be boggy from running it during races earlier in the year - Four Inns and Trigger. However it was drier than normal apart from one section of proper bog that nailed a few people and where a photographer had cunningly positioned himself.

It was fast descent back though a tad hard as into a head wind, to then fly down the rocky section just before finishing. Exhilarating.

It was sunny and people congregated around the campsite drinking brews and eating BBQ food laid on by the campsite owners. As people chatted I took some photos, as we waited for the prizes.

Chris Phillips came an amazing second, with The Beast 26th (remember he’s a V60!), and yours truly 41st out of 139 runners. Yours truly was more than happy with this, and pleased for the other two running hooligans who did the club proud and picked up prizes.


Results 2019:

Cheering us on was The Boss and Wifey who’d cycled over.

A great day.


All photos can be seen on Flickr.

Saddleworth Round 2019

Sunday 4th August saw the Saddleworth Round. It’s a B category Long and in non-fell runner parlance is 16.5 miles long, with over 3,000 feet of climb over the moors of Saddleworth.

Start - very humid

The runners set of from the junction of Running Hill Lane/Running Hill Gate above Uppermill and Diggle, with the Cross Keys Pub acting as race HQ. A wonderful location in what was hot and humid weather.

The runners set off and aim initially for Broadstone Trig, then across to Pots and Pans, down Alderman to Binn Green car park, across the dam between Dove Stone and Yeoman Hey Reservoirs and up Ashway Gap. On the edges the runners head for Fox Stone and drop from there to the base of Indian’s Head aiming for Chew Reservoir road. At Chew Reservoir runners head for Laddow Rocks, then Black Hill, following the old Pennine Way to Holmfirth Road which is crossed to then pick up the Cotton Famine Road to head back via Broadstone Trig and the pub for a finish.

James Sheard was Race Organiser for the day and did a sterling job, pulling all on the day together into a cohesive whole. Prior to the day he’d been a Whirling Dervish of activity, for example heading out at the crack of dawn to flag the route and place the two Racetek units at CP2 and 3.

James Sheard (left) and John Charles Heathcote

I myself (with wifey) was responsible for the registration and results and a little nervous as we did not have Fabian 4 (the wonderful Ellie and Adrian) on site to supervise. I arrived early to be greeted by the even earlier Andy Essex and so we began arranging furniture at the barn next to the pub where Oldham Mountain Rescue are based. Others arrived and all mucked in, with big thanks to Jed Finnigan, Andy Essex, Jill Davies, and Claire Cobley. All went smoothly indeed, and by 10.45am we drove up to the start armed with two Racetek units to allow us to count the runners.

Off they went with success and the Racetek system recording all. Phew. Before an hour was out we counted the runners through CP2 at Ashway Gap, by Fox Stone CP3 we counted 24 runners but not the other 45 - a failure. On picking up the unit after the race we discovered it was off, so could only surmise that a runner had possible accidentally switched the unit off. For future races we intend using a plastic housing over the unit to thus avoid any unfortunate screen or button presses. We are not completely sure, but nonetheless we knew all runners were out, 69 in total. One runner did retire.

It was tough conditions in my opinion due to the heat and humidity, but that did not stop the race record being broken by our very own Chris Phillips of the Saddleworth Runners, who was first runner back with a cracking time of 2 hours 26 minutes and 5 seconds.

Chris Phillips descending Alderman

On the women’s side Bridget Lancashire and her sister Martha Tibbot did the club proud by coming in as first and second ladies.

Bridget and Martha climbing out of Chew Brook

Finish funnel team

In the meantime as the runners ran, we built the finish funnel and waited. When the first runner and subsequent ones went through we noticed all were recorded successfully via the system with results displayed on a monitor. Relieved and pleased, it was a good result, which the runners liked - easy to see times. As people came in the pub started to organise the chip butties whilst runners drank beer and cleaned themselves off via an outside tap. People milled in the outside area.

It was a successful and much enjoyed run by the runners, organisers, spectators, and bystanders who happened to come across the race.

After packing up, Claire and I headed home to change into running gear to then head out with Ted the Terrier to get the Racetek units from CP2 and 3, also collecting flags en route. A beautiful evening in which to finish off.

Tim Rutter's Bob Graham, Saturday 20th July 2019

I’ve only just had a chance to write up what turned out to be a great adventure supporting Dark Peak’s Tim Rutter on his Bob Graham Round attempt just over a week ago. I’d like to say it was great fun to be part of the team, and the boy did good with him coming in at 21 hours and 34 minutes.

Leg 1 of Tim Rutter's Bob Graham, Saturday 20th July 2019

Moot Hall, Keswick, soon to start

Friday 19th saw us head up from Saddleworth in Minty armed with my wife Claire, Ted the Terrier, and Stu Hutchison. The weather was terrible on the way up, and then near constant rain at the Lanefoot Farm Campsite acting as basecamp (highly recommended), and we were glad of Minty’s cover especially the awning. It allowed us to eat the fish and chips we’d bought earlier from a rain soaked Keswick in peace (with help from Ted). Stu was somewhat envious of Minty due to his weekend accommodation being a Mountain Equipment two person tent, but he put it up with relish.

The mountain weather report was not great at all, in fact pants. I had been put down to support legs 1 and 5, having been let of (phew) leg 3. Tim had needed to do a lot of shuffling of people, which became severely compounded when it was clear the attempt could not happen Friday night and was postponed to Saturday night. It meant yours truly could only now do leg 1 for him as we needed to be back on Sunday. The good news being after some further shuffling the team was in place, with Saturday daytime to spare and a BG start of 6.45pm on Saturday night planned.

Stuart and I, with Ted, decided to walk the 3 miles into Keswick to recce the start route for the way out of Keswick and up Skiddaw - the first peak. It was a pleasant day and a lovely walk. We also managed to take a spot of lunch in the wonderful fell runners cafe called the Fellpack - strongly recommend it. Claire, who was out on a bike ride joined us.

Claire, headed off, whilst Stu, Ted and I checked the route of Keswick - we were happy. It was then a walk back to the campsite for preparation (faffing and nerves.)

After leaving at 6pm we arrived at the Moot Hall to see people who had completed the BG in the previous dreadful weather, and those starting like Tim. It was all jovial but an undercurrent of what was to come.

Although almost unimaginably difficult, its allure is obvious. The statistics alone are enough to allow even the fittest and bravest to wonder: nearly 70 miles of running; 42 peaks including the highest and most famous in England; an altitude gain of 28,000 foot only 500 or so shy of Mount Everest. The beauty of the route is manifold. It takes in all the classics, starting with Skiddaw and Blencathra, then over Helvellyn, across to Bowfell and the Scafells, round via Pillar and Great Gable, not forgetting the many other peaks between, before pitching back north towards Keswick.” (Copyright of Fellpack website)

(Full version of this rather good description of the Bob Graham Round from the Fellpack is here.)

And so Stu, myself, and more importantly Tim were off heading for Skiddaw. It was a pleasant evening, a little humid to start off with, though with a breeze and interestingly enough a little nippy on reaching the top of Skiddaw. This brings me to the pace… Stuart and I were donkeys or mules or support or whatever you want to call us, with Stu navigating. Basically the BGR is divided into 5 legs with the runner supported with a navigator and mule, both carrying their kit, the runners kit, plus extra water. May be more people, may be less. So back to pace. Tim is fit, very fit, and the pace on leg 1 (Keswick to Threkeld) was blinding. Stu and I even without gear would have struggled keeping up, but keep up we had to as Tim took food and water from us.

Descending off Great Calver

From Skiddaw you drop down to then climb up Great Calver, then drop down to begin what is the brutal and long climb up to the summit of Blencathra. By now Tim was into his pace and was a man on a mission. Stu and I were men on a mission to a) keep him in sight, b) not expire.

Heading for the Blencathra summit

On reaching the summit just behind Tim, I waited for Stu to arrive who has sadly suffered from a touch of cramp, so allowing me time for some precious water before beginning the descent to the Threkeld car park for a 15 minute rest before starting leg 2 with different support crew (I’d been invited on leg 2, and more on that to come.) Tim had already partially descended down the rather risky and (in)famous Hall’s Fell Ridge. By now light was rapidly declining. Tim looked back to check all was okay, I waved back, he headed off.

Blencathra summit with Halls Fell Ridge directly ahead and below

During the day (not my photo) Hall’s Fell Ridge looks like this. So as you can imagine it was a pretty hairy and long descent with backpack chasing Tim down to Threkeld, hoping Stu was okay. I’d also not chosen the correct shoes as the studs on my Inov-8 X-Talons had worn a bit and there were one or two heart in mouth slippy moments. I’d not had time to put a head torch on. Idiot.

Hall’s Fell Ridge, Blencathra. Photo: Bob Smith/grough

I made it down in one piece and the humidity hit me in Threkeld and drenched with sweat made it to the car park by the cricket club. Tim’s legs were being worked on and I proceeded to hand over kit I was carrying whilst gulping water and a brew and waiting for Stu to follow behind. I also proceeded to empty a wide variety of small stones out of my fell running shoes accumulated from the ridge. I’d run nearly 13 miles with just over 5k feet of climb in roughly three and a half hours.


It was time to go on leg 2 with the new support crew. Did I follow? I had the option of Threkeld to Dunmail Raise taking in the likes of Helvellyn. Instead I waited for Stu to arrive which he did safely. It was then that we realised from Stu’s pack Tim was missing his waterproof bottoms, buff, and importantly his Inov-8 gloves. I decided to grab them, don head torch, and thought I could chase the chaps down, after all they were not too far ahead. In fact they were quite a distance ahead, and at quite a pelt, sweaty, muddy, gasping, falling through beds of reeds managed to catch the three head torches just before they began the ascent of Clough Head. I was invited on leg 2. I declined. I was spent after having run about two miles there and back with 650 feet climb, at a belt. It was worth it though as Tim was grateful for his gloves.

From there it was back to the basecamp at Lanefoot Farm with a much welcomed lift. On getting out of the car Stu and I felt chilled to the bone, so showered, and retreated to Minty for Spag Bol and then to a much welcomed sleep. Tim and team were still up on the Dodds heading for Helvellyn.

After deep sleep I awoke and it was odd to think Tim was still out running with support. We tucked into bacon and egg barms with delight and plenty of coffee and tea.

Claire and I decided to jump on our bikes into Keswick for a bite to eat and coffee and said goodbye to people, off to support Tim in his endeavours. On getting back for the long drive home our part of the camp was empty.

As I said at the start, the boy did good and completed the Bob Graham Round coming in at 21 hours 34 minutes, which was a fast pace indeed. We learnt this later in the day and were delighted for him. It had been an excellent weekend with the weather eventually clearing up.


It is one hell of a challenge to run the BR. What freaked me out was the fact Tim was running when I was eating Spag Bol, sleeping, having a shower etc. I have nothing but respect.

A Pike, The Saunders, Heat, Hills, Jon Allen.

Well it has been a while since I last blogged and that’s been due to a rest from it all, and interestingly enough the running as well. I’d not run as such for near enough two months after the Old County Tops in May. And in fact had lost some of my fell running mojo so to speak.

Howgills Fells

I knew I needed to get back into the running after a elongated period off, with what had probably intended to be a two week break, but resulted in near enough two months after focusing my attention on the business. And it is interesting to compare both. Fell running is needy as is Peter Cobley Recruitment Ltd, aka Found Us. I think I learnt from all of this that both compliment each other and benefit each other. No running degradates the business with no outlet for the stress that comes with being a sole trader. Likewise pure fell running becomes a chore, not something to look forward to.

And I think it normal to lose business and personal mojo, i.e. a lack of interest in a normally important area of your life. I think the trick is to go with the flow, allow for change in life and fluctuation, but be able to climb back into the business swivel chair or the fell running shoes. Both will still be there after you.

Plan and graft, but allow for flux.

Also allow for it being a bumpy return to things you were once familiar with. This is definitely the case with fell running.

My first race back was a short on Tuesday 2nd July called Stoodley Pike that sits above Todmorden containing a gargantuan monolith at its summit. And in true fell running fashion it was a 3 mile pelt there and back on a rather warm and balmy Tuesday evening The race features in the FRA calendar and was a Club Championship race for the Saddleworth Runners and area championship race. So over 200 runners.



I was apprehensive and nervous when driving Andy Poole and Brenda Roberts to the race, not having run in ages, especially a rude and cheeky short.

Suffice to say we started as a mass mob up a tight track that closed down to a tight stone clad path. The Gradwell Gopher leading the way, second being Bridget Bob Lancashire, with Kevin Bullet Jones following, and in hot pursuit Andy MTB Poole, with James (what’s his surname???) a new boy and myself in hot pursuit. I was tired and hot and decided to just get around, and that I did when reaching the summit after the fast climb sucking in breath like a proverbial ram jet. I’d lost Gopher and Bob, but had MTB and Bullet in site. Little did I know that new boy James had this old dog in his cross hairs.

It is a hard climb single file at a pace and you can’t stop or slow unil it opens out on top, for a fast descent, then fast run down a bridleway to the finish. I’d dropped off the summit tired to woefully saw the new boy leg it past me. Bullet and MTB disappearing away…

On finishing I was hot and bothered but later realised I had done alright not being too far behind people. It was a great atmosphere at the finish with plenty of banter, followed by more conversation armed with chip butties and a drink in the adjacent pub. And what a fine pub!

Stoodley Pike finish

My quads felt sore the next day. Something that has not happened in a while.

I can see why people after a hiatus avoid fell running, running a business and so on. It is hard to get back on the horse but it is possible. And as I type now I feel happy and relaxed.

The Saunders 2019 Mountain Marathon

Well, Tuesday certainly set me up for the weekend’s entertainment namely the 2019 Saunders Mountain Marathon running with Jon Allen as my fellow partner in crime on the paired Harter Fell Course/Class. It was Jon’s first Mountain Marathon which was to be a trial by fire, well it was flipping hot over the weekend leaving people wilting. Also running as a pair were Nick Manning and Adam Speed, who we have traditionally run the 4 Inns fell race with - that’s the 40 mile with a few thousand feet of climb beast from Holmfirth to Buxton.

The map with checkpoints

We managed to mostly beat the traffic, albeit one or two delays on the M6 and arrived at Tebay for the race HQ with this year’s race being in the Howgills range of hills. Minty the camper van was rigged up and we relaxed during the evening as we watched people arrive. One of which was Darth Vader Taylor, a man on a solo mission. He was treated to a couple of beers.

Saturday we awoke to a flurry of activity and a packed field of cars. We'd a 10.17am start so it was a leisurely morning. We were packed, watered and fed, and walked to the start. Nick and Adam started 5 minutes before. The initial climb summed up what was to come, it was roughly a 1,000 feet climb in no more than a mile, steep and in heat, but that’s the Howgills…

Saunders start gate

Day 1 was tough with a lot of climb over 15 or so miles, around 6,000 feet in intense sun as the clouds rolled back. Even at the end it was relentless with a brutal climb out of a stream checkpoint and then a withering contoured descent. But we were happy on seeing portaloos!

Jon flopped down at the half way camp and we set up shop with the pre-ordered drinks, patiently waiting Nick and Adam who we’d been worried about in terms of their progress.

It was a good atmosphere at the farm where the half way camp was situated with the 90 year old farmer wandering about with his walking stick saying hello.

Nick and Adam arrived late and looked tired; ultimately they were to retire on Sunday morning due to tiredness, being broken, and a dodgy ankle on Nick’s part that had plagued him recently. We felt for them, but they seemed cheerful enough on Sunday morning. It was to bed around 9.30am due to tiredness and being attacked by midges.

Saunders half way Day 1 camp

Sunday was a relatively early start with us rising around 6.45am to eat and pack up, so being able to get away between 8-8.30am. The camp was a hive of activity, this being the midges as they chomped away on people.

Sunday saw most courses follow the same steep initial route out of the half way camp to Cautley Crag. From there people generally drifted away from each other choosing their routes as we all eventually wound our way back to the finish HQ at Tebay.

The climb up Cautley Spout

The day was again tough with one particular climb of 1,200 feet over a mile at most in heat up Long Rigg.

By now Jon was struggling with blisters; to later discover 15 blisters on one foot, and hobbled his way around the checkpoints. It was impressive as we completed day 2 in under 5 hours so arriving at the finish at lunchtime. The heat and sun were strong but that did not stop us polishing off lunch.

Cairn at summit of Long Rigg

For Jon’s first Mountain Marathon it was impressive to say the least. It was a tough course with superbly hot and sunny conditions, and a number of pairs in our Harter Fell class retired including Nick and Adam. And to then run on broken feet was legendary. We came 45th out of 90 teams that completed the event in our class, and 20th out of 26 veteran pairs (based on combined age) for our class.

I think the motto here is you’ll always divert from the norm with business and personal life. That’s normal and to be welcomed, and it is just a question of getting back into it, and when you do view it akin to eating an elephant: one bite at time.

Old County Tops (it's a fell race and a half...)

OCT (Old County Tops) 18th May 2019.

I write my notes and thoughts as to the Old County Tops fell race, organised and laid on by Achille Ratti club (And the race “laid” a number of us out, especially my quads.)

Gareth on the way to Scafell Pike summit.

The race has been established for a number of years (since 1988) and is legendary in the fell running calendar. It is 37 miles long as you run the highest peaks in the current and old counties of Lancashire, Cumberland, and Westmorland. The peaks are Helvellyn first, the Scafell Pike, and lastly the Old Man of Coniston. There is a cumulative climb of 10k feet across the race. It is not just the distance, or the climb, it is the fact it is the Lakes where the sport originated from and the climbing is of a different kind altogether; steep, off road, challenging, ongoing, relentless. The descent is worse (for me anyway) especially as your legs grow more and more tired. But is an amazing experience, and my second time running it.

We arrived at Baysbrown Farm to stay at a wonderful campsite in the Langdale Valley at Chapel Stile, with the Langdale range looming over us. Cracking. It was Minty’s second big trip out and we were getting the hang of being campervan enthusiasts (“Perverts” as I used to call them. Oh well I am in my 40’s and now own one.) Minty the VW T6 campervan is bright green, hence the name. Full name is Minty McMint Face in homage to Claire’s Scottish roots. And it is brilliant (no gender is ascribed to Minty.)

Anyway back to the race… Actually 37 mile ordeal. My running partner is the solid and reliable Mr Gareth Evans. This is one of the challenges of the race, you run with a partner as a pair. You have to pace each other, push each other on, make navigational decisions together, and ultimately not get timed out and finish the race.

So we met up at Old Dungeon Gill around 7.30am, Gareth having driven up that morning after a 4am get up. I felt sorry for him. But this is Gareth Evans aka “Ginger Ninja”. I felt somewhat sorry for “Metal Dick” (Richard Mackey) who’d driven up that morning as well, but hey he’s a teacher and as hard as nails. (Both drove the two hours back after the race.) It was an 8am start and I was not nervous, in fact relaxed. What was going on? Other people were nervous. Minty and the support crew were on standby (Claire yakking away, Ted licking his privates.) We were summoned to the start, but prior to that nerves arose due to needing a number 2. I was in the queue for the four portaloos having realised that I did not fancy running 37 miles with something on Gas Mark 8 slow baking. Panic was setting in and it did not help that “Chatterbox” (Alice Mclean) was squealing behind me that she needed a number 1. The race organiser reassured us he would not start the race whilst we were on the throne.

Start and finish.

And so we were off… Also running from the club were Andy Poole with a friend, as was Sandrine Fraisse. It was pleasant running toward Helvellyn but we did notice that it was a bit humid and this was to play a factor in the race, sapping strength and making the running uncomfortable. The climb to Helvellyn was straightforward even on the steep climb up to Dollywaggon Pike; from there to the summit, where the first cheerful summit photo was taken. Little did we know that it was all going to get interesting from this point onward. At this point we had climbed 1,176 metres, and were 9 miles in of the 37 total. You’ll note from the photo that the summit was clag bound and it was quite chilly.

The “happy couple”.

Descending off Helvellyn is a swine, it is steep and ongoing and hard on the quads. It was here that Sandrine and Lisa, Alice and Richard all bumped into each other. All heading to the second checkpoint where food and drink was laid on.

After hitting the second checkpoint at Wythburn (southern end of Thirlmere) we had a drink but did not hang around and shot off, leaving the others at the checkpoint. However we ground to a halt when my partner need to “drop the kids off at the pool” before we hit the road crossing for the climb to Angle Tarn. So, I stood there with runners passing explaining I was waiting for my partner and yes I knew the route. After 5 minutes I got bored and started to use all the variations in my vocabulary: “my partner’s having a poo, It’s okay I am waiting for a bus, he’s dropping the kids off at the pool, he’s dropping his shopping, I’m holding the gate open for you all...” After a while Grizzly Adams popped out of the pine forest looking pleased. Off we went, by now Alice and Richard, Sandrine and Lisa had got ahead. We caught up with Lisa and Sandrine and we ran with them for a while, with Alice’s bright red backpack followed by The Mackey not too far ahead.

It is a long slog as you aim for High Raise, but skirt around it en route to Angle Tarn. It is 7-8 miles climb from the road crossing on the A591 and it goes on and on and on with some of the climb steep especially the Greenup Edge part where we hit droves of charity walkers.

It was hot and humid in the valley and this wore runners down, so close that I took my long sleeved top off and ran with my club vest. On reaching Angle Tarn the temperature dropped and the top had to go back on; it was quite variable weather on the day.

The climb to Greenup Edge beneath High Raise.

As we closed down on Angle Tarn Gareth was struggling and had nothing in his legs. Not too long ago Gareth had lost a month of training to shin splints, which completely upset his progress. He’d recently crammed in a lot of running and climbing so he could make the race, and I think he certainly did not want to let me down. I honestly think others would have bailed by Angle Tarn at a manned checkpoint. He didn’t. After a rest he set off for the climb up. From Angle it is a long section to Esk Hause, then Broad Crag, and then Scafell Pike. It is hot at this point, dry and hard underfoot, with lots of charity walkers looking at you, and Gareth plodded on. I was concerned as he did not look great.

(At Angle Tarn Claire had arranged to meet us with Ted as support. No wife, no dog. Worry shifted to memories of the Trigger - see previous blog. Was Gareth a jinx?)

We headed up past Esk Hause and saw Sandrine chatting with someone. My initial reaction was she’d picked upon some hapless charity walker. But on seeing a little four legged fur ball head for me lead dragging behind him, I knew we’d reached support. We both plonked down on stones to munch cocktail sausages, cheese blocks, tomatoes, and beef butties, plus water.

It was at this point that we had a failure of the “entente cordiale” as Sandrine cuddled Ted whilst he had a close eye on the beef butties. Ted being distracted by this, decided to take “Brexit” action and chomped on Sandrine. Our French colleague was fine and brushed it off. Ted brushed with near certain death under a steely Scottish glare.

Big thanks to the support team as the food went down a treat

Off we trudged to Scafell Pike to arrive on the top to a proverbial party or rave or gathering. Boy, it was busy with walkers, charity walkers. It is hard going across the rocky landscape of Broad Crag and Scafell Pike. But we made the summit and had a rest whilst figuring out the descent into Great Moss and the river crossing. The route off Scafell Pike is notorious as there are sheer drops from crags, and you are advised to recce the route and if not to retrace your steps to between the Pike and Broad Crag and take the safer if longer option down. Gareth and I took a breath and went for it and we reckon planned a near perfect route down through the crags, with some scrambling, to look back and see other runners stuck and having to retrace steps, costly.

At Scafell Pike summit we were 20 miles in of the 37 miles and had climber 2,321 metres.

Yet again the descent is a quad buster and you hit the river plateau somewhat broken and tired. We stopped at a beck had a drink and refilled the bottles and made our way for Moasdale Beck for the checkpoint at Cockley Beck. The route is long, undulates, and boggy in places, wearing down tired legs. It was at this point Gareth got stuck in a bog. I photographed him for a laugh thinking he could get out. He could not and I had to use my full force to help him get his submerged and stuck left leg out.

Leg deep in a bog.

We got to Cockley Beck around 3.30pm, so roughly 45 minutes before the cut off where you will be pulled from the race for safety reasons. The next cut off is the finish where you have to complete the race before 8pm. So you have 12 hours to run the 37 miles and climb the 10,000 feet.

We plonked on the side of the road at the excellent checkpoint where there is hot tea and cake. I gorged myself on fruit cake and tea, and you do this as you have an absolute ball breaker and shocker of a climb to the last peak Coniston, via Grey Friar.

A brew and a sit down at Cockley Beck, junction of Wrynose and Hardknott Passes.

Gareth again could have bailed but did not. I was seeing the Ginger Ninja legend in action. A brute, a fell runner, a nutter setting off up a big hill will awful false summits. It was 4pm when we set off and we reached just below the summit ready for the trot to Coniston at roughly 4.45pm. We’d not stopped once. We were on a mission.

You then plod to the Old Man of Coniston summit and what’s nice is you pass faster runners on their way back to where you are at Grey Friar as they head for the Three Shires Stone on the Wrynose Pass. We exchanged cheerful hellos with all runners, everyone grinning and encouraging each other.

We made the summit and checkpoint, exchanging conversation with the marshals, whilst having sweets and water. We’d nailed it, we knew so, as it is all (sort of) downhill from Coniston. It’s a long drag back round the back of Swirl How and the Carrs, but worth it as you are rewarded with beautiful twilight views. Team morale was at a high and more so after Coniston when we hit 30 miles!

At Coniston we had made 29 miles of the 37 and climbed 3,081 metres.

We now made the run back, about 6-7 miles, down to the Wrynose Pass to meet the last checkpoint at the Three Shires Stone. It is a hard descent on tired, quad poor legs, but Me Evans excelled again spotting a runners trod that nicely contoured us down to the road. I looked back to see other runners high above us. We had some water and sweets at the checkpoint and then began the two or so mile steep run down the pass. It was at this point that Gareth suddenly stopped as the sweets literally came back up and he honked his guts up; nothing I could do. I genuinely felt for him. But he recovered and carried on!!!

Off we toddled, chatting away. And the last stretch on bridleway past Blea Tarn was wonderful; quiet, the smell of pine forest and cool.

Blea Tarn bridleway.

We hit the road into Old Dungeon Gill, then cutting through the fields to exit via the Great Langdale National Trust campsite much to the bemused look of non-runners. From there is about a mile up to the road to the finish. We were buzzing.

National Trust campsite in the forest below.

And thus we finished!



We were greeted to big smiles and cheers by runners, helpers, spectators, and fellow Saddleworth Runners; all cheering and exclaiming. We were glad to have finished, big grins from Wifey and jumps of joy from Ted.

The finish!


It is a tough race, but highly recommended. The route is tough but rewarding, the atmosphere among runners excellent, and great fun running with a partner in crime,

But do train for it.