Loyalty: noun 1. the quality of being loyal.

The whole point of loyalty was not to change: stick with those who stuck with you

Larry McMurtry

When I set up the Overture office back in 2003 in Manchester I got to know Doctor Net, to become Doc Net, and now Venditan; and John Coyne and Chris Maule.

In years past since then it has been quite sad that both John and Chris no longer countenance contact with me. Well in fact, Chris has not returned messages. John sporadic.

I am saddened after the years and what I brought to them.

On setting up the Overture office in Manchester (before Yahoo! acquisition) I needed office space and rented a room from them in Pleer House attached to the Corn Exchange in Manchester. Income was generated for them. At the time Overture ran a reseller programme. Very simply a digital agency could become a re-seller and in introducing clients to the Overture model was rewarded with commission. You had to genuinely sell to a new client and apend a unique code as reseller. It was good money if you resold well. But it could be abused. The programme was run by Daniel Mohacek. I had no involvement directly.

A sales lady called Nikki was employed and managed by John and Chris. Unbeknown to me Nikki contacted existing advertisers en mass and attached the code, so ensuring Doc Net as it was were paid a lot, a lot of commission.

As you can imagine the commission hit the roof and questions were asked. The sh*t hit the fan.

I was summoned by management to London and questioned over this with the suspicion I was involved and was possibly on the take. After a strong and unpleasant rearguard action on my part I was absolved. But I was told in no uncertain terms to vacate the space I rented from Doc Net (Venditan.) There was still suspicion after this from London.


Chris has made his money and good for him. No contact I think needs no answer, but I came close to almost losing my job over what happened.

John, now MD of Venditan served his time and worked well with Chris. He’s done well. He was in charge of Nikki.

The good people in business will always be there no matter what. But business like politics is a fickle thing, especially if you are also struggling with addiction, and if of no further use to some business people, then you are a persona non grata to them. Despite past loyalty. And that is how it feels. I’ve not mentioned morality and one can argue that what is past has no bearing on the now. Which I understand. How can one dine on the past when the current course being served is the present?

But I’m old fashioned and value loyalty, politeness etc. Sadly some others don’t…

Lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure in every walk of life

Napoleon Hill

You find out who your real friends are when you’re involved in a scandal

Elizabeth Taylor



  1. the quality of being loyal.