A recap of some past blogging from 2024.

The view out to see from beneath Dunnstaffnage Castle.

Currently sat in a living room in the Oban YHA on the second day of 2025; re-visiting some old blog posts that I wrote in 2024, giving a chronological history of my thinking process. Some I suppose played a key part in my thinking. And it is time to say goodbye to the blogs, and thinking associated with them.

(2024 was a changeable year for me, with quite a lot going on; change and growth across the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual spheres. In January Claire had left Mossley, not to return, as she headed up to Tobermory, Isle of Mull, to start a new role at the High School. I was in Tameside over the period tidying up affairs, focusing on personal development, and making my own changes.)

June saw an important article that looked predominately at the Saddleworth Runners - the fell running club based in Mossley - that had been a big part of Claire and my life, and where I had been on the committee. After becoming ill, I soon learnt just how terrible a club it is to those members who do not fit in, even when poorly and act out of character. Something that occurred in 2021/2.

Sadly a Club I loved, as did Claire, but now realise one that acted on the gossip of one person. A club who’s leaders - Richard Gee and James Sheard, and others - sat back and let this gossip occur. It was not I discovered an inclusive club, but quite the opposite, exclusive for certain cabal of people.

I wrote the blog post, I'm a knob, but I am her knob and made no bones about calling out both the Saddleworth Runners and certain members of the Club that form a clique. The key person, who the Club supports and fails to take action against being Jen Ulwin Bishop, who acted as a source of gossip. Read the blog as it goes into more detail. Suffice to say the Club is not what it presents and I would be very careful about considering joining it. Now my behaviour was bat shit crazy, but the reaction and involvement in my private life uncalled for. Anyway all is covered in the blog post aforementioned.

I move on from it all, and I’ve had the honesty to look at self, have they? Nope.

In July I again put pen to paper and wrote Death by Social Media! Dumped off Social Media? Fuck em' which dealt with my being banished off social media by a number of people - all of which current or ex-Saddleworth Runners, spineless in jumping on the witch hunt. The blog piece became a wider examination of Social Media, establishing that you're not missing much if de-friended; in fact it should be viewed as a boon. Retrospectively, I now realise this was a good thing to have happened as it showed me the sheer vacuous nature of social media, of our unhealthy reliance on it, and of how it robs us of time, genuine relationships and our grasp on reality. And that only complete dipsticks use it as a weapon of choice.

It is good to be over the malevolence of social media, Saddleworth Runners, and a number of its members who are quite awful people.

Oh and lastly and annoyingly is yesterday’s blog entry as to a very poorly received Christmas card - Bigmouth Strikes Again... Jen Ulwin Bishop.

I don’t need to mix with such an example of a horrid person anymore; one who smacks of hypocrisy and other less salubrious people skills. I’m very free.

UKAT (here we go again...)

Why people suffering from addiction and other illnesses should think twice about UKAT

I am stunned (well not really) and saddened (well not really) at a conversation I had with a lady as to her son who has been through UKAT facilities, and had a poor experience being let down by what is a truly terrible organisation running addiction facilities across the UK.

It is clear UKAT only put money above the care of people, and treat addiction services as a conveyor belt. The organisation uses clever marketing to draw people and families into its services promising all, and based on my time with them delivering inadequate services. This was back in 2021, and after having spoken to the lady and obtained details, know it is the same state of play as 2024 draws to a close.

A while back I wrote about UKAT and its addiction services in my article A scathing assessment as to Private Rehabs, especially UKAT/Linwood House

This is a business that has the gall to call itself “leading” and utilises clever marketing tactics.

Turning on the Tobermory Christmas Lights

Last night on Main Street, Tobermory, saw the turning on of the Christmas lights.

What a wonderful experience last night being part of the Isle of Mull community as we all saw the Christmas Tractor parade, children choir singing carols, the Tobermory Choir singing carols, Ukulele playing and singing of carols, a raffle, Banjo Beale judging shop fronts, then the countdown to the turning on of the lights.

Full photos and videos can be found at: https://www.flickr.com/gp/petercobley/0t5Cy5zpU1

Tobermory photos. found us. End of the week.

Vivid sunset one morning this week from the house about Tobermory

Sunday 1st December, end of the week, start of a new month and the run up to Christmas. I have had a productive week and one for the most part run on serenity.

I’ve mused over found us, my consultancy business, and am happy with work I have put into the website when consolidating what found us stands for, and for that matter me. It is a business that ultimately helps people, and is an exposition of my world view; give back what was freely given to you. And it is a shame a lot of people in advertising, marketing, and media don’t give back and possess a myopic world view that revolves around ego and self.

I think I demonstrate with found us that there is another way, that one is rich when one gives in business, in life. Monetary and material things naturally follow, but if one is not solely tied to the material world then they do not matter, and less attention is spent trying to screw people over.

Anyway, I think I’ll post some spectacular photos of Tob (how the locals refer to Tobermory), and why? Because the photos may make people think about making change. Claire and I make a major geographical change, that has helped drive change in self; whilst also dumping what I now realise were tenuous relationships with some not so nice people at the Saddleworth Runners.

A vivid sunrise and two photos of a frosty Tobermory, taken from Main Street

This week saw mixed weather to say the least. As fortune would have it the end of the week, Saturday evening, saw nice mild weather for the Tobermory turning on of the Christmas lights, which was wonderful. Read about it in the next post!

My God, its full of stars. I could not resist that with these two photos of Mull at night.

Swimming Thursday night at Aros Park, looking toward Tobermory

There is swimming and then there is swimming.

Looking back to Craignuire on the Oban ferry from Mull, and snow capped hills

“The pen is mighter than the sword”

The Plumb-pudding in danger, or, State Epicures taking un Petit Souper is an 1805 editorial cartoon by the English artist James Gillray. (Wikipedia)

The phrase “The Pen is mighter than the Sword” was first written in 1839 by Edward Bulwer-Lytton in his play Cardinal Richelieu.

A favourite of mine as I was schooled to love writing and literature. And this has been a constant in my life.

I also believe in words over violence and having spent my formative years growing up in a pub in Macclesfield saw drunken fights that put me off violence for ever more.

That said force can be a necessary if needs must, but as a Jurist at heart it has to be reasonable with foreseeable consequences in any situation. Maybe I’m being an idealist, but that’s how I feel.

Words allowed me to fight back against those who peddle lies and untruths, not to mention gossip, and in 2021 and 2022 I was affected by this, detrimentally to my health.

It is very easy for people to gossip behind one’s back. But don’t be disheartened as they are the ones dumbing themselves down, adhering to heard mentality, and not looking within. They are poor in strength of character and have to attack others to feel secure in themselves, when in fact they are the antithesis, being weak and poor of character and honesty.

And such people clearly cannot handle or take honest words said to them as to their behaviour, choosing first to sneak around like a gang of thieves in the night stealing from a person’s reputation to better their own. At what cost though?

I fought back with words in three clear pieces of prose. With honesty, jest and wordplays; utilising the Web - giving voice to my pain, expunging it, and not letting people off the hook who behaved demonstrably at odds with the public perception they give, and believe is their true selves. I disagreed and still disagree.

Firstly, the Saddleworth Runners.

Secondly individuals specifically, who acted poorly.

Thirdly, a piece about Social Media and of surviving your very person being eradicated by others, by de-friending. Petty, wilful, and on a par with Damnatio memoriae* -

I hope this post and the preceding other posts give courage to those who face bullies, false friends. People who sadly are self serving and seeking, and are not true friends. In fact quite horrible behaviour being exhibited by them; and I for my part have named mine, and shamed them for their actions; just maybe, just maybe, they garner the courage to sit in front of a mirror and think as to who, what, and where they are in their lives. And make changes. Like I’ve had to do, having been a poorly person.


The Big Read: The pen is mightier than the sword so political cartoons are needed more than ever - Herald Scotland

Is Western culture stopping people from growing up? Kidults are all around you - The Economist

*Damnatio Memoriae is a Latin practice or phrase that means "condemnation of memory". It means that a person's existence should be cut out of history. In practice it meant removing the name from official records and monuments.

Storm Bert and a cancelled ferry

I type as the clock moves toward 11.30pm on Sunday 24th November. And I type in Hamilton whereas the original plan was to be in Tobermory at this point in time.

Nessie hand warmer as discovered at Gretna services on the way back to Scotland yesterday

Not being back on the Isle of Mull was due to Bert’s behaviour. What with rain and snow, we now see Bert blowing and violently farting his way through Hamilton and clearly Oban, where we were due to get the 9pm ferry to Craignuire on the Isle of Mull; which was cancelled.

Doggie hand warmer

What a weekend of wild weather

Yours truly had a load of his gear in storage in Denton. This need collecting from the building, with this weekend being the last opportunity, as the people storing my gear were moving out.

So, we were heading down to England when Storm Bert was due to offload his filth across the county.

Friday evening saw the drive to Hamilton to Claire’s folks where we were to stay overnight. It was a pleasant drive from Oban, but the weather along the M6 over high ground was looking and sounding iffy to say the least.

The Boss made a decision that was correct in that we ate some food, booked into the Holiday Inn in Lancaster, and drove forthwith to the city; weather being fine for driving.

We had a nice sleep in a spacious and comfortable room in a hotel I had stayed at over 15 years ago when on business.

It was then off to Denton, and it was blowing a gale with rain in the hotel car park as we started off. This meant it was a veritable spray fest driving on the M6. By now Bert was shifting over mainland England.

We eventually got to Denton and loaded possessions, including touring bike, with the kind help of Brian Potter, a friend, and then hit the road.

M61 northbound fleeing Manchester and Bert

It rained and rained and rained. If Doctor Foster had been out on his rounds he’d have needed a canoe and life vest.

The decision to not head (we discovered) from Hamilton that Saturday morning as was the original plan, was a sane choice on behalf of Claire as there was snow dumped in Scotland, especially in Hamilton.

We made it back around 7.30/8pm to Hamilton, driving through clear and not clear patches, with thick mist for many miles before and after Lockerbie.

Entering Scotland at Gretna

On waking today, Sunday morning, we had planned to leave Hamilton at 5.30pm to arrive Oban 8pm for the 9pm ferry to Craignuire.

As the day progressed so did the wind, to the point of Bert being quite antisocial.

In Oban according to the Met Office the average wind was 30 mph and gusting to 60 mph. Not good. Not good at all.

And no surprise the 9pm and other ferries were cancelled by Calmac. The next ferry we could get on would have to be the 8.30pm on Monday, the following day. So we may as well stay in Hamilton with Claire’s folks, and that Bertie is what we have jolly well done!

So it is off to bed for me now at the ripe old time of 12.04am, Monday 25th November.

My business found us, and what it gives customers

I love working my business found us, set up in 2014 after a career in advertising working for a number of splendid companies. Have a look at the found us website. To be able to work the business out of Tobermory on the Isle of Mull is a dream come true, as are regular trips to Oban on the mainland.

I am updating the website for found us and have created some pages on a number of the consultancy’s services; which may be is of interest to my friends and business contacts.

found us client offering

And specifically

Executive search and head hunting

Business development and sales

Search marketing

Programmatic advertising

A panoramic photo taken from the Oban Esplanade

Day and night in Tobermory

A post on Tobermory, a place of day and night in terms of living here. In a few mere hours we can see two very different Tobermory’s.

For me this is the delight of the island that is Mull. No one moment is the same visually, but then again is that not life?

Sunday morning of the 17th November 2024

The same view on the evening of Sunday 17th November 2024

It is Monday the 18th just after 5pm as I type. It is fresh but mild outside if that makes sense, and with no rain. We await potential snow as does the rest of the country, especially those in high places. So I may soon see my first snow on the Isle of Mull.

Was down on Main Street earlier, about a couple of hours ago, to do some shopping at the Coop, and it is cheese cake for pudding tonight!

Looking down Main Street this evening

Isle of Mull Cheese (Sgriob-ruadh Dairy Farm and Distillery)

A walk with The Boss today for lovely coffee, cheese and venison toasties, and cake at the Isle of Mull’s very own cheese factory (and distillery.)

The Glass Barn (photo courtesy of Isle of Mull Cheese.)

Yes it was a bit nippy and windy, and we got hit with a rain squall as we walked up from the house, but it was worth it - for the food, the café interior, its shop, and the wonderful company of my wife.

Isle of Mull Cheese is well know and produces wonderful cheese; spirits from the whey by-product of the cheese production. The site is one in the same as the dairy, so a wonderful experience for a family and children.

The interior is rustic, as though from a classic Constable painting or Cider with Rosie. It feels to be transported back to olden days, or days of youth. For me another discovery to be found on Mull.

The Glass Barn (1st photo courtesy of Isle of Mull Cheese.)

The walk back saw no rain but great views looking out and over into the Sound of Mull. I got to say hello to a moo cow.

The view from the dairy farm. And a moo cow.

Unfortunately meeting Scott Rostron, aka Scott Rossi, Scott La Ross.

I wish him well , but I regret even having crossed paths with Scott Rostron (also know as Scott Rossi, or Scott La Ross.)

If I were to sum him up?

adjective: arrogant

  1. having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.

    "he's arrogant and opinionated"

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

Scott Rostron is a persob who has an over exaggerated opinion of self, and ability.

I have met some difficult people in recovery, as I have in all walks of life and that is after all humanity, and I for one have been no angel, but I can safely say that this person affected myself and others in a detrimental manner that with retrospect beggars belief.

I’m not perfect but have always tried to do what’s right and help others, sometimes even when in the madness. I think I have a moral compass. And my writing this post is due to being having affected by a Person who stands for everything I stand against. (Past tense by the way.)

When working my way through the ANEW process, Scott was part of that process and single handedly acted as a bully, a gossip, and someone hell bent on achieving his recovery at the cost of hurting others and sowing discord; with a level of arrogance and patronising behaviour toward others that was and is very hurtful. (And still he carries this on.)

He has damaged people’s recovery and has shown absolutely no regret whatsoever. Never thinking to apologise.

The people he called friends in Anew he no longer communicates with, and having used them, cast them aside.

I accept and know recovery has to be selfish in order to work. And Scott has to be on the ball after his years out there, like we all do.

The reason for this post is not about the past. All of us in the ANEW process were poorly, under the microscope, and can be forgiven behaviours - all of us in recovery have behaviours, including me.

But I have discovered in the recovery process that some people can still exhibit unacceptable behaviours, including barefaced lies, and are not genuine. This is opposite to what the wonderful ANEW accomplishes, namely showing people how to better, humble, caring after they put down a substance; which is only the start of the journey.

So why do I wrote this post? Because I want to warn people as to Scott Rostron and I don’t do this easily or lightly.

When I look at others in recovery I see care and an ability to listen. Not with Scott Rostron.

Stuck in the past of Hip Hop, Graffiti; and Arrogance and Lies to boot

Scott loves his graffiti and Hip Hop music with the the two being interwoven. Which is a passion, and we all have passion. But his sheer arrogance over his “culture” as he calls it is shocking. His music always “right”. His artwork always “right”.

Talented he is if you see his graffiti work, but I personally have seen better, with the artwork he creates repetitively the same, and in my opinion trapped in the 1980’s, lacking in open mindedness as to other art forms. Why can’t he evolve? I think him capable of more. I suspect it is his narrow mindedness. And this is core to the post. And core to a person who in his eyes always thinks he knows better. His arrogance as to his artwork and music manifests his behaviour and viewpoint of others.

I am sure here is more to graffiti artwork, than jazzed up lettering. A number of posted examples below are years old and dated.

For example, look at graffiti artwork by other artists below; a clear difference.

Art and Music manifest True Nature

Scott Rostron, Scott Rossi, Scott La Ross lies as to facts, what he does, or does not do. Maybe we all do?

Always answering back, always right, making allegations as to others that are not true, gossips; yet fails to take ownership of actions he has taken on his side, and quite happily runs to the powers that be, in this case ANEW with limited facts.

He willingly throws others “under a bus” for his own failures, with it never being his fault.

This offends me as being at odds to the kindness, help, honesty of ANEW, its founders and staff.

For example: smoking in the Vernon House facility when strictly forbidden, and having the brass neck to sit there and deny, when we all knew otherwise.

For example: smoking in his room in the shared HMO house ANEW kindly provides and denying this has happened.

For example: when creating a mess in a kitchen in shared accommodation made no attempt to clean it properly, and when pulled up on it went squawking to David Ryan, no longer with ANEW, since David was new to the organisation and not aware as to Scott’s foibles and behaviour.

For example: posting on a WhatsApp group for his house of how his house mates are messy, when in fact it is his mess and a bare faced lie.

For example: taking food without permission (being diplomatic here) and then denying such.

Minor issues I hear you say, but something underlies all of this in the mantra of a time honoured phrase, “It is our lies that make us sick”. And it is the small things we overlook in recovery that set the scene for relapse or living clean but with old behaviours.

This is a person who may be “clean” but is not clean in how he deals with others.

This behaviour continues with Scott Rostron and he hurts many people, even after a history of doing this.

I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I cant believe you - Friedrich Nietzsche.

With Scott people should be warned to not take at face value a word he says (presently.)


Scott constantly mocks AA referring to it as plastic recovery versus NA. An indication of both his lack of understanding of addiction, and of his sublime arrogance as to others.

Anyone in recovery is advised to steer clear; he will only drag you down. Such language hurts people, causes doubt as to their recovery.


Working in the trade that I work in (and see found us) I have a wealth of experience in hiring and managing people, building teams of good people.

I personally (at the moment) would not hire this person, who has limited empathy toward others, and has a know it all attitude at every breathing moment. It is impossible to reason with Scott, he always has an answer, an excuse that is right.

He presently studies counselling at Level 3 and this is to be admired; but I would firmly disagree that he is fit for counselling roles or for helping people. As said he has a limited sense of empathy and is not a team player.


People who know me, know that I try to seek the best in people, try to give people a chance, try to forgive and certainly try not to hold grudges. I’m not always perfect at this. I let a lot go by before saying anything. It is my nature. But (now) I do speak out, and in this case to save others going through the hell of dealing with a poorly behaved person.

With Scott Rostron, “Scott Rossi”, “Scott La Ross” I can safely say I am glad not to be living with him, which I had to, and something I find difficult to understand ANEW for. But then I should not do so, as ANEW has the humanity to give all a chance even if let down.

(The poor behaviour he indulges in at the expense of others, including me, is tolerated, but dealt with. And I do not know the undercurrent beneath. And there may be good reason for this approach, and may I make clear I am cheerleader for ANEW; a brilliant organisation, but one Scott Rostron I feel takes the piss out of. And the same applies to CGL in Tameside; a wonderful organisation.)

There has always been a level of immaturity to Scott, where upon he finds fun in other’s misfortune or plain laughs at them, to quickly fire in with “I’m only joking”. The point is he does not joke. It is nasty, hurts people, and can be a knife blow to some.

Afterthought: Is this character assassination?

I wish it was, as then this writing could be easily justified, explained away. It is my opinion, not others, and to me it is the plain truth. But I could be dreadfully wrong.

People do change, change their behaviours, open their minds, empathise. Maybe I should have hope for Scott yet. I hope so, because when he is good he is good.







Over 10 years after I Spy Search Marketing - A tale of the Emperor's New Clothes

I think back to 2008 and I Spy Marketing. Quite a while back, yet necessary to understand where I am now.

The CEO surrounded by his Sycophants

I have been reminiscing as of late and mulled over the time of 2008 to 2010 with this search advertising agency start up. Prior to I Spy Search Marketing I was with Yahoo! UK & Ireland. In 2007 I had been off with clinical depression and it was then that my OCD was diagnosed.

I was not in a great place career wise. I had opened up a Manchester office for Overture (Goto.com) the business that invented to Pay Per Click model that was to subsequently power Google and others ad revenue models. Overture was bought by Yahoo! and I moved over. Having set all up from scratch, then being ill, I returned to the London office to discover my having to start afresh four years of hard graft. Why?

I came back after illness in 2007 having worked so hard to set up, what was to become an established presence for Yahoo! UK and Ireland in Manchester. On heading to the London office I discovered things had changed. I had a very unfortunate meeting with Warren Burke, then a Director at Yahoo! on the Display side. It became apparent that I was to shift from the Search side to Display - I was in a commercial/sales role. The same was to apply to ex-Overture staff who like me had rebranded to Yahoo! Search Marketing. The Display staff wanted ownership of all. So, Warren Burke threw all I had achieved outside of London out of the window making no recognition of work done, and in a one to one revealed himself to be one of the most vacuous, self-fulfilling, morally bankrupt individuals I ever met in Yahoo! I have heard nothing but badness as to this fellow and his treatment of co-workers. He has sadly survived at Yahoo!.

So what exactly happened? Steve Beckwith on the Display side and one of Warren’s lower Lieutenants had used the setting up of the Manchester office to get back up North where he hails from. In a previous life Steve had worked for me at Carlton TV.

Steve Beckwith was positioned to take on the Yahoo! Manchester office with my having to work for him. Very simply Warren Burke and a chap called Phil Macaulley (Steve’s direct boss) engineered a Manchester fait accompli.

Steve Beckwith at the time proved to be one of the most petulant, un-professional individuals I had to work with, managing to annoy a wide variety of people in the Manchester business which I suspect led to the eventual demise of the office.

As mentioned and very much involved was the appalling Phil Macauley who as Steve’s line manager sanctioned all, possessing absolutely no people skills or empathy; well he certainly did not then.

Basically it was the Yahoo! lot looking after themselves and fucking over the Overture lot. In hindsight I laugh at the Yahoo! staff who for the most part were cerebrally challenged, made mistakes galore and ruined a lot of business, Overture and Flickr included.

Anyway by 2008 I’d had enough of Yahoo! and by this point was contacted by Nick Jones to join a search start up advertising business - I Spy Search Marketing. I’d worked with Nick in Yahoo! who left to join this start up created by Chris Whitelaw.

It was an up and coming agency in the search field. Eventually to be bought by Dentsu. At the start all was good, albeit bumpy to say the least with any digital start up.

In such businesses there are personalities and I was one. Heady, proactive, reactive and the rest. So a lot can be forgiven and not-forgiven.

Suffice to say I opened the Manchester office successfully, hired staff and brought clients in. With the title of General Manager I did all I was asked of and tasked with.

Roll forward to when Jim Brigden joins. He became CEO, effectively taking charge over and above Nick Jones and Chris Whitelaw. And that is when things started to go wrong. For me certainly and now after a few years have passed I now realise for a lot of people.

In a Nutshell

The Manchester office in my opinion was successful. Where it went wrong I now realise were unrealistic targets set by Jim Bridgen, bad decision making, and poor delivery. There was a ridiculous revenue target set for new business for the Manchester office that only resulted in friction between Daryl Warner (who headed up sales) and myself, whilst Manchester had to manage sizeable clients like the Co-operative, and received dire service across SEO and other from London.

During my tenure Scotland gained a footprint in the form of John Brodie. See footnote.

Jim’s sole aim was to drive the business hard; which was detrimental to staff and package it up for sale. A sale that benefited approximately 6 people. Repeating previous business activity from following Nick Hynes career.

There were poor decisions and shoddy treatment. For example, Manchester made connection with Fragrance Direct, a leading online fragrance seller. Numbers crunched out of London and managed by Jim as to predicted results had to be submitted at least three times. We did not obtain the business with it going to McCann Manchester. This to the consternation of myself, James Smith, and my client contact Jenny Sullivan (McKenna). We then lost due to poor and re-submitted forecasting Talk Talk Business much to Manchester’s embarrassment and the client contact, Ade Allenby.

In the God awful period of professionally tidying up and handing over and still working I’d got us into pitch for Daisy Telecommunications with an old contact called Jo Green. I watched as Jim presented, me no longer needed, sat there a persona non grata wanting to say something. Jo late summed up Jim’s presentation and pitch: lacklustre and poor. Where she asked was the digital heavy hitter? As I write years later I think of the children’s story of the Emperor’s New Clothes.

James Smith was the first employee, rough around the edges but technically brilliant, and after training excelled, and now after a few years leads SEO at Dentsu. His girlfriend at the time was in Manchester with him but hailed from London and returned for studying. James followed. It was irrelevant his moving from the Manchester to London office as he was providing the same technical service. At the time of a yearly bonus Jim Brigden decided to withhold bonus from James he was clearly entitled to, arguing that he had only moved down to exploit the London office where he could then move on to a new role. I to my utter shame as his previous line manager and who hired him said nothing in cowardly fashion. This summed up Jim’s paranoia and morally questionable decisions.

Dentsu ultimately bought a poor business in the heady height of purchasing with key people benefiting and the staff not, but I had seen this before with Overture. Monetary promises on sale not delivered upon. Dentsu wanted the clients that I Spy had. The business as such?

People were afraid of Jim as he would oft quote what he had achieved and done. And demonstrate temper. Now with some years under my belt I am shocked as what went on in I Spy Search Marketing. For example people were defended on grounds of friendship. Nick Jone’s erratic and substance fuelled behaviour was not dealt with immediately by Jim or Chris Whitelaw, and I have found anecdotally this caused much distress to people.

By now Manchester struggled under crazy sales targets (myself) whilst expected to run the office and maintain clients. Any cross-selling I did (lots with the co-operative) was discounted. My clients, such as Kara Lucas et al. were horrified. I crumbled and unfairly received the blame for a poorly run London centric offering that kept dropping the ball at service provision; for example due to poor SEO/SMO servicing from London Manchester lost Envirofone and led me to have a very painful conversation with Julie Snape, the client, who I keep in touch with.

It all came to a head with Jim screaming at me down the phone during a regular conference call that we had, with other people listening in. Un-professional and not so much as an apology to date. All over a suggestion I made. I was now being blamed for all and sundry and as far as Jim was concerned my cards were marked.

A meeting was arranged in Leeds at the Queens Hotel at the train station with Jim coming up from London. At the time, I asked Chris Speed, director heading up performance marketing and minor shareholder, what this was about? He lied through his teeth and I later learnt Jim had convened a meeting to get rid of me. Chris Speed I realised was spineless doing as told.

So, Jim comes up to convene the most unprofessional, disorganised HR meeting. Was I fired, was I not, what were the grounds? No warning, no nothing from the company. He mentioned Compromise Agreement and clearly did not have a clue. By now I was worn out and stressed and had certainly had enough. I was happy to go. Jim came back to me saying I’d leave at the end of 2010 and be paid October, November, December of that year and did not need to work. In hindsight part of me wishes I’d gone to a Tribunal for Constructive Dismissal and shown him for what he is. I did not and that’s history.

But it was not over for staff. For example David Tutin had wages withdrawn on leaving on the spurious basis he was holding onto a company laptop. Absolutely awful behaviour to staff who worked so hard.


I learnt from Jim how not to manage people, and to instead treat them as human beings, be humble not arrogant, see the best in people, and not to throw people under a bus when things go wrong. Look after people with love and care, after all people make what is the advertising industry. And constantly dining out on past glories is no more (in Northern parlance) than polishing a turd.

I am so so so glad I am none of those shareholder/Directors - Chris Whitelaw, Chris Speed, Nick Jones, Jim Bridgen. I can sleep at night knowing I’m a good person and tried my best. I’ve never really really screwed anyone over despite being in the advertising trade and having worked in London. I did bad stuff. I admit that. But I never ruined people all in the cause of personal arrogance and financial gain.

Could I have done better?

Yes and yes and yes. I was still young, head up my bottom, full of personal defects and certainly should have stood my ground toward Jim, and others. I kept quiet, turned a blind eye, and was cowardly. I have to live with that. I still do. I could have done a better job as General Manager Manchester and made many mistakes.

The ultimate sale of I Spy Search Marketing

People taking risk and working hard deserve reward. People all over the show, bullying, paranoid, off their tits on substances, being cruel, taking the money from a business sale and not properly rewarding hard working naive staff should not.


John Brodie: I tried to hold my head high at the end and maintained a professional approach. I organised a speaking event in Manchester, when anyone else would have stuck two fingers up. After the successful event we had dinner in the Malmaison Manchester. John was incredibly rude in a traumatic time for me. My path crossed with John on LinkedIn last year and I raised this with him. He apologised and then blocked me on LinkedIn. I am fine about it all. Looking back I see someone so, so desperate to not have anything so much as affect his personal brand.

Alastair Candale: At the speaking event as we packed up, I aired how management had behaved. Alastair, and Kate the office manager was there, kindly passed this back to Nick Jones in a disjoined fashion leading to more poor behaviour and threats coming my way.

Tobermory, Me. And Storm Ashley.

So I am now a permanent resident of Tobermory. Happily welcoming me is my wonderful wife Claire, oh, and Storm Ashley which is bring us all a weather bomb!

Tobermory harbour this Saturday morning. No sign of “Ashley”.

I’m at home in my Oodie carefully purchased for many my darling wife. Initially I thought she was a) taking the p**s, b) in no uncertain terms letting me know we’d not be engaging the heating, since that involves money and she’s Scottish (yes, I’m being financially racist.)

Erm. Darth Cobley. Trainee Sith Lord.

However on wearing said Oodie I have discovered it’s very comfortable, warm, and it is electrically heated!!! My gadget side is in love with it. And it works a treat.

To be honest I’m 53 years old and it’s probably more a case of reaching that age where legally you don’t have to give a toss as to what you wear, or for that matter what people think about what you’re wearing (as long as not naked in public.)

Me and The Boss. Tobermory Harbour.

I am over the moon at being reunited with Claire on a permanent basis, previously only having been up for holidays.

I continue to run found us my advertising and head hunting business, whilst Claire is living the life and loving teaching Biology at Tobermory High School.

Storm Ashley

Well I can safely say that heading over from Oban to get a ferry from Lochaline was windy and rainy to say the least.

Lochaline waiting for the ferry.

Saturday (today) has been lovely to say the least, beautiful sun, the sea a millpond. So, “ha” to Storm Ashley. Come and get me if you dare! I know have a heated Oodie.

It is at this point in typing that I decide to check the Met Office App.

Note the time is 7.22pm tonight. All is gut!

9am tomorrow, Sunday 20th October. All is not gut!

Looks like I’ll be hunkering down asleep in a self heating Oodie and hoping Tobermory does not get blown away or flooded or both. My mind casts itself back to the safety of Tameside and Manchester.

(Oh, and did I fail to mention that The Boss is presently out with the ladies for a moonlight swim in Tobermory Harbour? Help… I married to a nut job.)

Peter Cobley

A friend has encouraged me to write about myself, showing all the positives I have. Well here goes.

Marrying Claire in Kingussie in 2017.

I’m 53, and today - Friday 18th October - marks my moving permanently to Tobermory, Isle of Mull, to be with Claire my wife, who now teaches there. All very exciting. And she’s on route via Loch Lomond as I type.

Me as a Person

A really nice chap who takes pleasure in helping people wherever he can. A firm proponent of the so called Golden Rule, the premise of which is simply to treat people as you’d want to be treated yourself.

I’m spiritual and believe strongly that all humans have a shared association and form part of nature, and ultimately the Universe. That life is about trying to do what is right, whilst accepting and forgiving the flaws we all have.

I’m well educated and well read, gulp, and keep on learning.

I volunteer where I can to give back, and after a number of enhanced DBS checks have worked with:

OCD Action

Change Grow Live (CGL) Tameside


Give what has been freely given to you!

Costa Coffee Oban.

I have my business found us that I have worked hard at for over 10 years.

  • I have good ethics and am used by leading people and companies in the Regions - Microsoft, Dentsu, Channel 4 to name drop.

  • Half the business is head hunting/search and selection at senior level for the advertising, media, marketing industries.

  • Why? If you read my LinkedIn profile, you’ll see that I’ve held senior roles in advertising businesses, both offline and online.

  • I therefore have a black book of contacts to die for, and closely understand how to set an advertising business up, and run it successfully.

  • I have, always had, a knack for working with people and commanding their trust.

  • The other half of found us is Consultancy, Commercial, Sales and Marketing, or plain Non-Exec’ Director support, which I have good experience in, and deliver results.

  • This ties into the close work I carry out with the Management School at Lancaster University.

Look me up and ask me to help your business, yourself, your career. I’d be delighted to!



I’ve achieved bloody good results for people, businesses, non-profit organisations, and I am keen to emulate this from the Isle of Mull.

And you know what? I am proud to shout about it from Oban, where I’m sat now.

Day 1 of the Saunders.

My passion, as is my wife’s, is fell running. With outdoor swimming (way before it came fashionable) and cycling, though we prefer touring.

Look me up on Flickr. I’ve taken some smashing photos over the years of the GR20 across to ultra fell races.

In repose at the half way camp.

Day 2 Start of the Saunders.

Penultimate check point.

Sunday. People. Thoughts. The Web. Social Media.

Claire’s photo taken today around 8am on Sunday 13th October - from the bedroom of our house in Tobermory, looking out to the Sound of Mull.

View from the house into the Sound of Mull.

It’s Sunday, scrubbed and showered and up early. Dark outside in a quiet Lochgilphead. I’m thinking about people after picking the phone up and drifting through LinkedIn and Facebook.

People are funny things. I post on LinkedIn and Facebook and Twitter predominately, with a smattering of AV on YouTube or TikTok. I try to share useful or thoughtful posts on these platforms, interspersed with Letters to the Viz Editor for amusement.

For me the phone and Social Media are to be avoided nowadays.

But it has made me think of people, and of how the pen is mightier than the sword.

The specific wording that "the pen is mightier than the sword" was first used by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839.

An illustration of Cardinal Richelieu holding a sword, by H. A. Ogden, 1892, from The Works of Edward Bulwer Lytton.

I bemoan the addiction to digital and the loss of reading books or writing letters that seems to have encompassed Society at present. For f**ks sake I wish people would pick up books and read and discuss them in coffee shops across one of those circular tables. Actually talking to each other.

People think writing and discussion is to post on Social Media. That sound bites represent conversation.

It is clear from research that we are lowering our attention and concentration spans due to technology and this is disastrous!

We must be the most connected we have ever been as a species, yet the most unconnected.

On trawling through LinkedIn all I could see was ego, vanity, and trite posts about how well we/I are doing. Also writing such posts does not involve regurgitating what someone else has written. And it is certainly not being original in thought. And this new found inability to question the veracity of a post, to fact check what is written, crucially undermines the gift of the Web. It as though we are children given a magical toy on Christmas Day only to be bored with it and breaking it by New Year’s Eve, almost like having a puppy for Christmas whilst forgetting it is a living and breathing entity. In one sense The Web is a living and breathing cyber entity that we strangle with voluminous amounts of trite content and commentary.

Here’s something to note. Pay attention please.

The 55/38/7 Formula

The 90% figure wasn’t plucked out of thin air. It was Albert Mehrabian, a researcher of body language, who first broke down the components of a face-to-face conversation. He found that communication is 55% nonverbal, 38% vocal, and 7% words only.

So we as a species are not actually communicating via the Web. In fact we are shouting into a wildness. After all, do people really read the posts on Facebook or LinkedIn?

Are you in fact wasting your precious time?

In fact is anyone reading this? Am I not being hypocritical, paradoxically criticising the use of the Web, when harnessing it now?!?!

I suppose the Web can be welcomed as a means of communication BUT not to the extent we are relying on it.

Like the child with the toy at Christmas we are gorging on our new found fun to the exclusion of life and all about us, mere white noise. But I suppose in time this will change as the Web beds in, people become fed up with it, and life with mankind typically goes full circle, which if history is anything to go by will happen, ie boredom of and sensible Web usage. Getting outdoors for a walk and chat for example.

55% of communication is NON-VERBAL

Please make note of this. I have.

This is what I’m doing.

  • I actively now call people on the phone each day.

  • Ideally I sit down with another person and engage in conversation. This grounds me.

  • Conversation attacks loneliness. Or even worse living in one’s head with my thoughts.

  • I make time for Claire my wife. I love her. She’s all I really have.

  • I avoid iPhone usage.

  • I avoid Social Medua usage.

  • I’ve come to the conclusion that most Social Media posts are a) not worthy of reading, b) driven by ego and narcissism, c) are possibly written by people I would run a mile from.

  • I’ve had a Facebook cull. Who in life are my friends, my buddies, those I share my life with?

  • I’ll soon have a LinkedIn cull.

  • A lot of posts that are written are complete shite and not written for the greater good. More about self and allowing people to indulge in and encourages voyerism, with writer and reader not looking at self.

  • We now see a detachment from self and from others. Painful content or thought provoking content is reduced to the banal. This cannot be right. How can we grow as a species if we cannot differentiate between serious and non-serious, important, non-important, tragic, beautiful.

All of this reminds me of one of my favourite quotes, which are the words of Sylvia Plath.

I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in my life. And I am horribly limited.

Are you being limited by technology? Is it blocking you from all the shades, colours, emotions, feelings you could ever want to experience and share one to one with other human beings?

Are alive or trapped in a cycle of awake-phone-work-home-phone-bed-repeat?

It’s frightening isn’t it?

Woe to him that is alone when he falleth, for he hath not another to help him up. —Ecclesiastes

If we are stepping through this life, indifferent to those around us and thus separate from our fellow human beings, it is by conscious choice. It may be hard to reach out to someone close, but there will always be a willing hand to receive our own. Each of us has been created to offer others our unique gifts. When we choose a posture of indifference, we are denying to the universe what we have to give.

There is magic in the realization that our acquaintances, our co-workers and neighbors, are presented to us by design. We are here to learn lessons and we play teacher to each other. When we have stepped away from the circle of people calling to us, we are denying them the opportunities for growth they may need and preventing it in ourselves as well. We need one another, and being helped by someone else fulfills more needs than our own.

We are in one another’s world by design. I will enjoy the magic of that meaning, today.

October 11th - The Promise of a New Day - Hazelden

Finding a Balance.

What actually is balance? Life has me thinking on this, especially as we are all taught to have a healthy work/life balance. I’d like to crack open this misnomer as I’d call it.

A couple of photos of the Crinan Canal by Lochgilphead from a walk earlier today.

Where does your journey start?

I believe in life as one holistic existence and there is no private or public life. Just life and of how we live it. We need to really know ourselves (see further) in order to understand, live, and change our lives; so displacing the modern society model or artifice of private life and work as separate entities. This is social conditioning that dictates we live life on society’s, other’s terms, and that work, on average, takes more then 50% of one’s life.

We ought in fact to live life fully and not dissect it or split it and thus ourselves, willingly giving more to work as though it is a separate life to our own real one.

So how do I deconstruct thework/life structure that so many of us live by.


I believe in happiness and that one should pursue what makes us happy. All will fall into place after that. So one should think of what makes us happy. Because surely this is a more sound pursuit. And this then becomes the realm of dreams!

Which so often is conditioned out of us from childhood. You must get a job, a house, a career, get married….. if you can please read the familiar book Walkabout by James Vance. And failing that watch the film staring a young Jenny Agutter.

For dreams read:


We need to be aware of nature and nurture, of us and our place in our environment, of whether we want to be subject to others and what they say. Have you really thought of whether your values and beliefs are those of others instilled in you from young? Work/life balance - where did you learn this and why?

Have you thought, really thought what you actually stand for, believe in, are? This can be quite difficult but worthwhile. Why two diametrically opposed parts to life in the form of work and non-work?!? Can you say to yourself and describe, “my life is… and I live my life to live my dream of….”

Let’s get one thing clear. We have just one life. Not a ‘work’ life and ‘personal’ life, just one.

(From There is no ‘Work-Life Balance’ — there’s just Life by Ant Murphy.

The article I quote one makes for good reading and nails key points I wish to make, and of how my views have changed. I don’t necessarily agree with all Mr Murphy says, but I certainly agree with his last paragraph.

We just have ‘life’ and we get to choose how we spend it. Life’s too short to have anything less.

Know thyself" is a philosophical maxim that means to fully understand oneself, including one's emotions, desires, and abilities.

It is best known from being inscribed on the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, Greece.

Could your life be a wobbly Jenga tower? Work and non work life in cosmic conflict as one never pleases the other. Do you have that constant feeling of chasing your tail? Of never quite achieving? That’s how I was. It was hard, but I collapsed my old tower and rebuilt. But I rebuilt no tower to rival other towers. I live and breathe and am Me, and being Me is an exposition of my dreams. I am authentic to others and myself. True to myself as to where I can be, and for that matter want to be. I am beholden to none.

You need to know yourself first, understand what you really believe in and want. On doing this you can seek your happiness, and life will fit into place for you. Work and other elements come under your control to deliver upon the dream, versus you being under their control.

Happiness rubs off on people as they see a liberation from worldly woes we thought we suffered from.

You have choice and many of us forget this. We let life (environment) make choices for us, including what we believe in.

And with choice we can live life knowing ourselves, look for and give happiness, and achieve dreams in one or many actions. We are not spread thin or in conflict for example by trying to live two very different lives - that of work and private life, or of parent, child, brother, sister etc. We can live as us and be free to chose. We can choose our role in life.

We have choice. We have action.

Making Wise Decisions

“Questions are never indiscreet; answers sometimes are.”

—Oscar Wilde

Over and over again, we circle the same thoughts in our minds, certain that if we keep chewing on them, we’ll be better able to make important decisions. Should we commit ourselves to a new relationship? Is it time to take a new job? Do we need to stand up for a principle?

The harder we try to make that “perfect decision,” the tighter and more obsessed we become. It starts to feel like the most important decision of our lives. The very process of decision making becomes a problem.

Instead of recycling the same thoughts, let us ask, “What’s the worst thing that can happen if we choose a given path today?” “Is this decision in sync with ourselves and our recovery?” “Will it work for today?” When we answer these questions, our choices are clear. And when we make positive, healthy decisions, the cycle of worry can stop. Our lives are more serene, more productive, and more calm.

Today help me to keep my perspective. No decision is without risk—but few are irreversible.

This inspiration is from

Body, Mind, and Spirit: Daily Meditations.

© 1990 by Hazelden Foundation. All rights reserved.

Quoted from the app Inspirations.

Lochgilphead. Where’s that?

I type from Lochgilphead. A place that has certainly grown on me and a hidden gem.

I’m here for one reason or another. Claire is in Tobermory with Calum and Katie. Tonight they are in the town, on the seafront, looking at the parade of cars participating in the 2024 Mull Rally.

Sitting above the town is Druim Hill and Blarbuie Forest which makes for extensive walking and where you can disappear from people and buildings. I’ve walked through the Victorian planted forest, which was to hide the original asylum, now general Hospital, and have also explored the higher working pine forest via its access roads. Highly recommended.

Blarbuie Forest.

On walking from the hospital into town, you are met with traditional Scottish town architecture, and whilst not extensive, there is a range of shops and coffee shops, all of which sits adjacent to the top of Loch Gilp and the entrance to the Crinan Canal.

Speaking of the Crinan Canal, it makes for lovely walking, cycling or running with its high levees giving commanding views over the countryside. The canal was built to enable ships access from the Irish Sea into the Clyde, so avoiding a rounding of the exposed Mull of Kintyre. Claire and I have enjoyed walking the canal and watching an assortment of yachts using the traverse from Sea to Loch.

Loch Gilp.

Oban is roughly an hour and ten minutes north of Lochgilphead and Loch Gilp leads into Loch Fyne with Inverary being the next largest settlement at the top of lunch Fyne. All in all beautiful and interesting countryside with which to explore.

This part of Scotland is worth exploring for its coastline and settlements and numerous Lochs, with you being able to venture inland for wild camping.

I’ve not so much explored this part of the West Coast of Scotland, instead being more familiar with the Rough Bounds area around Arisaig. But I have been impressed and fascinated.

As an Englishman who has had a taste of countryside and metropolitan life, I can safely say I prefer it here. It’s not just the soft and smooth tones, punctuated with idioms, from the locals. It’s the mentality. One of acceptance, friendliness, understanding, and welcome. No one judges on success (whatever that is, and it’s always alluded me) or money or material wealth: it is more about being a part of something, and in practical terms stopping for a chat. You are valued for who you are, not what you have or claim to be.

I won’t miss England, and I don’t miss saying that.

Indigo levitating on Succoth Ward.

A Scottish Sojourn.

Deep in the forest above Lochgilphead.

Sojourn means temporary stay. And I find myself for a month in Lochgilphead (look at a map) prior to Oban, and then Tobermory.

It’s a lovely little place next to Loch Gilp and the entrance to the Crinan Canal. A place of happiness and epiphany for me, but that’s another story.

I’m soon to catch up for a couple of hours with my wife Claire as she’s leaves Loch Tay where she’s been with family to Oban, then onto Mull. She’s in good spirits and that makes me fuzzy warm.

I can now say that I have finally physically, mentally, and emotionally departed England. Mind you I will need to get down there to retrieve possessions that are spread between Denton, Macclesfield, and Coatbridge. So much for being organised. Special thanks to the esteemed Lee Wyatt for watering my plants.

I, my life, found us my business, plus wifey embark on a new chapter with fun adventures ahead. That is both exiting and to the met with trepidation. What will happen? Who knows! But I feel alive again, like I have not felt alive for years.

I’ve learnt a lot since July, faced challenges, and learnt to be grateful for what I have, and those who care for me. And I realise I am rich. Very rich.

A selfie of Loch Gilp.