
Cycling in Llandegla Wales with Alice and Andy.

Yesterday was a super fun, fast and furious bash at Llandegla with Alice and Andy from the Saddleworth Runners. Back in the saddle after a four to five year hiatus since starting fell running.

So, I organised a mountain bike soiree from https://oneplanetadventure.com/ for the Saddleworth Runners, and was a tad nervous not having been on a mountain bike, let alone Llandegla and black routes for quite a while. The last time ( (I think) I was on a mountain bike was 2014/13, an eon ago. That said I did got out on trails when in Portugal last month, but it certainly was not the same as this. Alice and Andy from the Saddleowrth Runners were able to come along for the adventure.

Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/1887549482

Flickr: https://flic.kr/s/aHskKb7h4E

Alice and Andy were certainly fast and nimble on the bikes and very impressive, with me tagging along at the rear as I strove to keep up. Alice is the Irish demon on a bike, let alone being a demon fell runner, and insisted Andy and I only do the black routes and “encouraged” us over challenging obstacles. I was pleased at not braining myself, and amusingly came off only the once whilst at the start of a black run after clipping myself in to my SPDs. Clipped in fell over sideward. This was witnessed by three mountain bikers behind me, who later confessed to this being “amusing”.